Oct 28th, 2011 - Announcement of First Executive Board Members
Icon Sean Ebony
Legend Shady Prada
Grandmother Susan Mizrahi
Legend Aisha Prodigy-Iman
Legend Kiron Ebony-Alpha
Midwest OTY Bunny Blahnik
Father AJ Prominencia
Roxi 007
Oct 28th, 2011 - Announcement of First Regional Delegates
Carolinas - Sincere 007
Midwest - Lei Lei 007
DMV - Mother Diva Monroe & CeeJaye Evisu-Iman
Nov 10th, 2011 - 1st Delegates meeting
Discussed various issues in the different regions; training efforts for newcomers to the WBT scene and how to eliminate malicious 'shade'
Nov 13th, 2011 - WBT Executive Board Meeting
Discussed by-laws regarding:
Penalties regarding physical altercations at ball functions
Chop explanations
Commentator contracts
WBT sanctioned vendors
Ballroom standards and practices
GettingYourLife.Blogspot.com - a blog educating, uplifting and empowering the Women, Butch and Transmen Ballroom scene.
The Party Monster Ball
Attend the 1st OFFICIAL WBT Ball of the year! Legendary Kiron Ebony-Alpha and Lady Blahnik presents The Party Monster Ball in Philadelphia on April 28th!
I Love NY Ball
Attend the 2nd OFFICIAL WBT Ball of the year! Legendary Aisha Prodigy-Iman and Kelly Couture presents The I Love NY Ball in New York on June 23rd!
Join the Movement
Join the Official Women, Butch and Trans Ballroom Coalition on Facebook!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Code Red Ball - Dec 10th - Baltimore
This is Women's Ballroom Scene Event in celebration of World AIDS Day.
The event is also targeting HIV/AIDS Awareness & Prevention
Date: Saturday Dec, 10th 2011
Doors open @1am (This is Subject To Change In advance)
$15 w/ testing
$$$Stipend for House with Most Tested$$$
And Lots of Surprise Categories
Club Bunns (Penthouse Entrance)
608 Lexington Ave.
Baltimore, MD 21201
Hosted By: Legendary Motha Aisha Iman & Legendary Father Kiron Alpha
Commentator: Symba Iman
Butch: In red fitted
School Boy: In red bow-tie)
Big Boys: In a red t-shirt
Jr Transman: (This means you have been mooning 6 months or less) You should be wearing a red button up
TransMan: In a Red hoody
RUNWAY - 6 trophies 1 $$$
In an extravagant creative Red Ribbon for HIV/AIDS! Awareness. Make sure your effect SCREAMS Runway!
Women vs Fem Agg
Butch vs Tman
Fq vs Bq vs Bqid
The vogue style is on you! Just make sure your representing with your Red Ribbon for HIV/AIDS Awareness.
Butch vs Tman (Red Fitted & Red Ribbon)
Fem Agg vs Women (Red Footwear & Red Ribbon)
BQID vs BQ vs FQ (Red Gloves & Red Ribbon)
FACE - - 6 trophies 1 $$$
Sell your flawless face in a safe sex campaign with an over entrance and message. Convince the judges that you should be the new face representative.
Butch Face Women
Jr. Transman Fem Agg
Transman Big Girls
Health Class. Bring us a school boy look with a safe sex message in poster form. Make sure your message is very informative to the community
Health Class. In a naughty school girl effect. Show the judges why the boys cant pay attention in class.
LEGEND VS LEGEND - Trophy & Cash
Performance, Face, Realness, Sex Siren, Body, or Runway. Time to Educate the kids! Let us know why you are Legend! With a Red Ribbon and all black! Must battle for cash.
You don't have to vogue! Just bring us an over performance and a flawless face.
PICTURE PERFECT - Prize & Trophy
You don't have to be a face kid just be photogenic! 3 large photos expressing a different emotion and why you feel that way concerning the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
COUPLES DELIGHT - Prize & Trophy
You and your mate in complimenting outfits and a red ribbon. Are you prepared to answer a question concerning the cause???
SNEAKER vs SNEAKER - A touch of Red and don't forget your ribbon!
SHOE FETISH - A touch of Red and don't forget your ribbon!
LABELS - A touch of Red and don't forget your ribbon!
FOOT & EYEWEAR - A touch of Red and don't forget your ribbon!
WOMEN: In a sexy red outfit but don't forget your condoms SEX, BODY & FACE
MEN: In red briefs or under garments and don't forget your dental dam. SEX,REALNESS & BODY
Realness As A House:
The Black Panther Party with a safe sex Campaign
Runway As A House:
The Superheroes Unite to fight the evil of the Virus.
Best Dressed As A House:
The Look and Era of your choice! Just make sure you all are without a doubt best dressed! Also Don't forget your Secret Weapon! It must scream SAFE SEX!
For more info: Please contact Father AJ Prom or AriqChaun Alpha
Add the event page on FB - https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=285488974808478
14 week PAID Internship in NYC - DYCD's Young Adult Internship Program
Our young brothers and sisters regardless of how they identify have to get up and start doing something with their lives. Its a shame the amount of young guys and girls come into hospital and cant fill out basic medical forms. So pass this around, send via email, forward to a friend, anybody. If it reaches one person that say "hey I enrolled" then you have done your job.
Young Adult Internship Program
Are you between the ages of 16 and 24, not enrolled in school and looking for work? DYCD's Young Adult Internship Program (YAIP) is looking for you!
As part of Mayor Bloomberg's Center for Economic Opportunity, DYCD is providing the most job-ready disconnected youth with short-term paid internships, job placements, and follow-up services.
The Young Adult Internship Program (YAIP) is a 14-week internship program for low-income New York City young adults aged 16-24 who are not working and not in school. YAIP is composed of a 2- to 4-week orientation conducted by selected community-based organizations followed by 10- to 12- week paid internships that offer structured work opportunities. This year-round program, serving approximately 1,360 youth per year, incorporates ongoing education, as well as other participant and employer supports. Upon completion of the internship, the organizations will provide nine months of follow-up services and help place the participants in permanent jobs, training programs, or educational settings.
Past participants have interned as auto mechanics, sales reps and radio production assistants and are currently accepting applications!
Enroll Now!
A Blast from our past! 1995 - The House of Tuscany Eternity Ball
A precursor to the WBT Ballroom scene was when Ballroom Icons Reese Pendavis and Kim Pendavis (butches) opened the House of Tuscany, a predominantly Women & Butch house but this ball was promoted as a mainstream ball. To note, there were also 11 FQ and 11 BQ categories. Grand Prize was $1000 Dinner at the White House and called for one BQ, one Butch, one woman, and one FQ ...- Terrance Legend
Here's some WBT Ballroom links you should know about:
GettingYourLife Youtube Channel - videos of Women, Butch & Trans walking both Mainstream and WBT Balls, personal opinion videos and 101s - (http://www.youtube.com/user/RoxiContin2011)
What's Da Tea Radio - online radio show focused on the WBT Ballroom scene (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/da_tea)
The Women, Butch and Trans (WBT) Ballroom Coalition - Facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/163561787023421/)
WBTBallroom twitter page - (http://twitter.com/#!/WBTBallroom)
Make your voice count by being involved, informed and included!
Until next time...
The WBT Ballroom Coalition - Week One
For those who don't know, the Women, Butch and Trans Ballroom Coalition have been actively trying to form an Executive Board in order to revamp, re-educate and restore our ball scene in order to continue an age old legacy established in our history. The members have been pushing hard to reconnect with the original women's scene members/houses and also trying to find supporters in the mainstream ball scene willing to back us and assist with formulating such a historical event. This week makes the first official week of progression and, in such, marks grand steps made.
This past Wednesday October 19th, Whats' Da Tea Radio (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/da_tea) aired the first Coalition meeting entitled "Meeting of the Minds" where the WBT Ballroom's biggest supporters and parents from its biggest houses spoke on key elements needed in the scene as a whole. [To hear the archived call - (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/da_tea) OR to read an overview of the call: (click here)]
The night's speakers were :
Icon Sean Ebony - Transman Realness
Legendary Overseer Khi Mizrahi - Butch Performance
Legendary Mother Aisha Prodigy-Iman - Women's Face
Legendary Father Kiron Ebony-Alpha - Transman Realness
Midwest Of The Year Mother Bunni Blahnik - Womens Body/Sex Siren
Nina Divine-Revlon - Women Best Dressed and VA ballroom promoter
Mother Diva Monroe - Womens Face and Big Girls Body
Legendary Shady Prada - Butch Realness, Labels, Streetwear
Grandmother Susan Mizrahi - Ballroom Historian
& myself as the Moderator
It was a grossly beneficial call detailing the hopes that each speaker had for the new scene and also outwardly expressive that we were all on the same page of doing our part to contribute toward a scene that was inclusive and unbiased. A refreshing and needed attribute to a scene that was waning due to bouts of shades, ego and blatant segregation.
Icon Sean Ebony proposed a conference call in which all the speakers and those involved in the Executive Board detail duties and responsibilities for themselves to execute and this call will take place on Wednesday, October 26th at 9pm. This is the time for proper organization and precise execution. We each want to present the best that ballroom has to offer as well help those interested to uplift themselves outside the ballroom.
Week One was about gathering support and detailing our hopes for the scene. Next is about setting in stone our responsibilities and setting goals to reach these dreams. The picture is slowly being painted and from here; I see a Mona Lisa in the making.
Here's some WBT Ballroom links you should know about:
GettingYourLife Youtube Channel - videos of Women, Butch & Trans walking both Mainstream and WBT Balls, personal opinion videos and 101s - (http://www.youtube.com/user/RoxiContin2011)
What's Da Tea Radio - online radio show focused on the WBT Ballroom scene (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/da_tea)
The Women, Butch and Trans (WBT) Ballroom Coalition - Facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/163561787023421/)
WBTBallroom twitter page - (http://twitter.com/#!/WBTBallroom)
Make your voice count by being involved, informed and included!
Until next time...
This past Wednesday October 19th, Whats' Da Tea Radio (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/da_tea) aired the first Coalition meeting entitled "Meeting of the Minds" where the WBT Ballroom's biggest supporters and parents from its biggest houses spoke on key elements needed in the scene as a whole. [To hear the archived call - (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/da_tea) OR to read an overview of the call: (click here)]
The night's speakers were :
Icon Sean Ebony - Transman Realness
Legendary Overseer Khi Mizrahi - Butch Performance
Legendary Mother Aisha Prodigy-Iman - Women's Face
Legendary Father Kiron Ebony-Alpha - Transman Realness
Midwest Of The Year Mother Bunni Blahnik - Womens Body/Sex Siren
Nina Divine-Revlon - Women Best Dressed and VA ballroom promoter
Mother Diva Monroe - Womens Face and Big Girls Body
Legendary Shady Prada - Butch Realness, Labels, Streetwear
Grandmother Susan Mizrahi - Ballroom Historian
& myself as the Moderator
It was a grossly beneficial call detailing the hopes that each speaker had for the new scene and also outwardly expressive that we were all on the same page of doing our part to contribute toward a scene that was inclusive and unbiased. A refreshing and needed attribute to a scene that was waning due to bouts of shades, ego and blatant segregation.
Icon Sean Ebony proposed a conference call in which all the speakers and those involved in the Executive Board detail duties and responsibilities for themselves to execute and this call will take place on Wednesday, October 26th at 9pm. This is the time for proper organization and precise execution. We each want to present the best that ballroom has to offer as well help those interested to uplift themselves outside the ballroom.
Week One was about gathering support and detailing our hopes for the scene. Next is about setting in stone our responsibilities and setting goals to reach these dreams. The picture is slowly being painted and from here; I see a Mona Lisa in the making.
Here's some WBT Ballroom links you should know about:
GettingYourLife Youtube Channel - videos of Women, Butch & Trans walking both Mainstream and WBT Balls, personal opinion videos and 101s - (http://www.youtube.com/user/RoxiContin2011)
What's Da Tea Radio - online radio show focused on the WBT Ballroom scene (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/da_tea)
The Women, Butch and Trans (WBT) Ballroom Coalition - Facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/163561787023421/)
WBTBallroom twitter page - (http://twitter.com/#!/WBTBallroom)
Make your voice count by being involved, informed and included!
Until next time...
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Tonight on Whats Da Tea Radio (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/da_tea) hosts Overall WBT Father Shady Prada (Follow Shady on Twitter) and Grandmother Susan Mizrahi (Follow Susan on Twitter) put together a Meeting of the Minds including some of the heavy-hitters and biggest enthusiasts in the WBT Ballroom scene. It included:
Icon Sean Ebony - Transman Realness
Legendary Overseer Khi Mizrahi - Butch Performance
Legendary Mother Aisha Prodigy-Iman - Women's Face
Legendary Father Kiron Ebony-Alpha - Transman Realness
Midwest Of The Year Mother Bunni Blahnik - Womens Body/SexSiren
Nina Divine-Revlon - Women Best Dressed and VA ballroom promoter
Mother Diva Monroe - Womens Face and Big Girls Body
Here's a brief synopsis of each speakers thought and subject:
Sean (organization) - Have a good short and long term goal and plan your steps.
Khi (preparation) - Strive to practice and be ready to battle all obstacles that come into your way.
Aisha (Self-awareness) - Be aware of what you can do and what you cannot and build on your strengths.
Kiron (Support) - Learn to bond and become one unit. Build a comraderie between one another.
Bunni (Experience) - Get yourself out there in order to build up your experience and allow your confidence to be seen.
Nina (Assistance) - Be open enough to allow yourself to be a help to others.
Diva (Networking) - Meet and introduce yourself. how what you're about, your intentions and allow people to know the real you.
Shady (Plan 2 Win) - Please bury the hatchet and allow shade to have its place on the runway in healthy competition. This is the time to bring back the fun!
Susan (Communication) - Open lines of communication to allow all to be on the same line.
If you would to listen to the archived call please long on to Whats Da Tea Radio (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/da_tea)
Icon Sean Ebony - Transman Realness
Legendary Overseer Khi Mizrahi - Butch Performance
Legendary Mother Aisha Prodigy-Iman - Women's Face
Legendary Father Kiron Ebony-Alpha - Transman Realness
Midwest Of The Year Mother Bunni Blahnik - Womens Body/SexSiren
Nina Divine-Revlon - Women Best Dressed and VA ballroom promoter
Mother Diva Monroe - Womens Face and Big Girls Body
Here's a brief synopsis of each speakers thought and subject:
Sean (organization) - Have a good short and long term goal and plan your steps.
Khi (preparation) - Strive to practice and be ready to battle all obstacles that come into your way.
Aisha (Self-awareness) - Be aware of what you can do and what you cannot and build on your strengths.
Kiron (Support) - Learn to bond and become one unit. Build a comraderie between one another.
Bunni (Experience) - Get yourself out there in order to build up your experience and allow your confidence to be seen.
Nina (Assistance) - Be open enough to allow yourself to be a help to others.
Diva (Networking) - Meet and introduce yourself. how what you're about, your intentions and allow people to know the real you.
Shady (Plan 2 Win) - Please bury the hatchet and allow shade to have its place on the runway in healthy competition. This is the time to bring back the fun!
Susan (Communication) - Open lines of communication to allow all to be on the same line.
If you would to listen to the archived call please long on to Whats Da Tea Radio (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/da_tea)
Friday, September 23, 2011
Saturday, October 29 at 9:00pm
| |
Location |
Club Bunns
608 W Lexington St
Baltimore, MD 21201-1508
This year the girls are bringing you Halloween with a twist….
We want to see those Halloween characters that made you hide under your covers when you were a child come to life on the runway…. Were talking Freddy, Jason, Candyman , etc. So,…..are YOU afraid of the dark?
Open To All Best Dressed - Nightmare on Elm Street is a cult classic. Starring that famous scary man himself; Freddy Kruger. Bring his essence back to life in a red & darkgreen effect. (1 trophy)
Butch Body - The main character in Haute Tension made our panties wet & then piss in ‘em….. bring it like the her to do the same to the judges (1 trophy)
Open To All Runway - In every slasher movie, there is a guaranteed runaway scene. Bring it like your favorite female runaway heroine. Show us a picture to make your tens, then eat the runway to make your win (1 trophy) [Womens, European, All American]
Open To All Runway - In every slasher movie, there is a guaranteed runaway scene. Bring it like your favorite female runaway heroine. Show us a picture to make your tens, then eat the runway to make your win (1 trophy) [Womens, European, All American]
The Silence of the Lambs Changed the way that everyone looked at serial killers….Scare the pants off the judges like Hannibal Lecter or Save the day like Clarice Stalling. (2 trophies)
FQ- Bring it like Clarice
Transmen- Bring it like Hannibal
***MINI GRAND*** Performance - Best of each the battle for cash!
VF vs Dramatics - Though it wasn’t a movie, lets not act like the mini movie Thriller didn’t scare the crap out of us all when we weren’t jamming to the song. Bring it like a character from the video & spook the judged out before you make them GAG…..(1 trophy)
VF- Bring it like a zombie
Dramatics- Bring it like Mike AFTER the full Moon ;)
FF vs Women’s - I dunno what made Texas Chainsaw Massacre scarier, the fact that it is based on a true story, or the fact that the family is still out there chopping bodies up…. Ladies, recreate the look of the look of the hitchhikers in the ORIGINAL 70’s classic or face being chopped up as well…. (1trophy)
Twisters - Candyman was one of the craziest, most scary movies of the 90’s… and made you never want to be locked in a dark bathroom alone ever in your life. Bring it to the judges in your best candyman look then twist it out! (1 trophy)
***MINI GRAND*** Best of each 3 battles for the cash!!!!
FF perfect 10s - If you are a TRUE horror film fanatic, then to mention the film “Black Christmas” should send a chill down your spine. Ladies bring this 70’s film back to life by recreating The main Character Jess Bradford. (Realness, face AND sex appeal WILL BE JUDGED!)
Women’s Face - NO……. WIRE…….. HANGERS!!!!!!!!!!! Remember who said it? Look it up, and bring it like her betches! (1 trophy)
Butch Face - Bring it like BLADE butches! (1 trophy)
Women’s Sex Siren - The Craft put the sexy back into horror films with it’s 4 luscious main characters. Bring sexy to the panel by recreating one of the sexy 4 characters. (1 trophy)
Transman Sex Siren - Sure, WE know what you did last summer, but will the judges know? Bring it like the Killer in this classic flick with a hook & raincoat…. Slay the competition, or face getting slashed yourself! (1 trophy)
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Afterthoughts on the New York Life Mini Ball
I want thank all those who attended, supported and walked the New York Life Mini Ball tonight! Thank you @flipcydeprod for all your work! Thank you Icon Sean Ebony, Icon Hall of Famer @MSTHERESANJ (Ms. Theresa Mizrahi), Legends @MothaIman (Mother Aisha Prodigy-Iman), @MisteRoule (Mother Miste Prada), Jevon 007, @TheBakedCookie (Courtney Garcon) & @GreggEvisu (Gregg Evisu)! MUCH love to the House of Prada, Iman, Ebony, Evisu, Khan, Mizrahi and each and every 007 who learned something new and were inspired! Special thanks to @SHADYP (Father Shady Prada) who always tell me the truth even when it hurts! I appreciate you more than you will ever realize! For throwing my very first solo function and as a 007 at that, I am humbled by the turnout and the interest that this ball created. I will strive for better and move with greater zest in the near future... I will always uphold to #BeTheShow and #Support the #WBTBallscene.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
4th Annual Unity Ball Winner List

The 4th Annual Unity Ball: Love & War Edition
September 4, 2011
Hosted by Legendary Mother Jaimee Balenciaga, Legendary Mother Lady Blahnik-Iman & Mother Reign Moulin
Foot & Eye Grand Prize: Bella 007
Womans Runway Grand Prize: Keva Moulin
Womans Sex Siren Grand Prize: Logan Evisu
Womans Face Grand Prize: Chula Moulin
Transman Realness Grand Prize: House of Balenciaga
Male Figure Sex Siren Grand Prize: Jamel Balenciaga
Butch Realness Grand Prize: Budah Balenciaga
Who's Zooming Who Grand Prize: Angel & Keva Moulin
OTA Hair Affair Grand Prize: Baby Doll Iman
Butch Body Grand Prize: Dani 007
Butch Face Grand Prize: Ron Blahnik
Butch Queen Runway Grand Prize: Legendary Econ Blahnik/Domingo Blahnik
Best Dressed Grand Prize: Maria 007
Womans Body Grand Prize: 007
Butch Queen Face Grand Prize: House of Balenciaga
Butch Up in Pumps vs. Fag Out Grand Prize: Mula 007 (Fag Out)
Team Realness Grand Prize: Budah Balenciaga & Shawn 007
Mini Grand Female Figure Big Girls Face Grand Prize: House of Mizrahi
OTA New Runway Grand Prize: Logan Evisu
OTA Vogue Femme Grand Prize: Domingo Blahnik
Grand Prize: House with the most wins (with a CATCH!)
The winners were not allowed to keep their own points. They had to give their points away to another house.
Grand Prize: The House of Blahnik
The WBT Ballscene appreciates your participation!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
GettingYourLife Vlog: Latex Ball 2011 WBT Recap
Some thoughts regarding Latex Ball 2011 and some clips from the night's event...
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Momma, Can you hear me?? Hierarchy Roles in a House
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of the overall Ball scene. Do not use these opinions as a rule of thumb; edit them as you see fit for your experience. Thank you.
Recently, I was asked to write a blog about mothers and what their role and success for a house should be.
I guess I should explain hierarchy in a house (according to my beliefs) in order to better explain my opinion.
Top Rank is Overall Parent. This person is in charge of the overall movement of the entire house. They consult with the regional/chapter parents to ensure that the focus of the house are being met.
Next is Regional Parent. They are told what to execute by the Overall Parents and make sure that the Chapter Parents are doing their job in each chapter.
Next is Chapter Parent. They deal with the everyday running of the house. They are the backbone of the house dealing with the needs and wants of the kids in their chapter.
Some houses have executive boards or “royal courts”. These people have “royalty” ranks such as queen, king, prince, princess, empress, dutchess and duke. They are brought in to execute non-ball related matters. They consult with Regional and Overall Parents to ensure that the house brand is being properly used and uplifted.
Chapter Mothers are the ones who hold the heaviest crown. They are the ones you call when you need ball effects, rehearsals and training. They organize chapter meetings, collect dues, arrange community service, gather the kids for important outings and maintain local buzz about the house. They recruit new members, act as a liaison between other houses and keep the morale up.
Regional Parents should be the ones making sure Chapter Parents have a woo-sah moment every once in a while. Much like the Chapter Parent for the kids, the Regional Parents should be ensuring that the Chapter Parents are running things smoothly. They should be removing members, updating rosters, keeping tabs on house wins and house history.
Overall Parents are not as “involved” in the day to day functions. They are the spokespersons for the house. They make sure that the house or its members are not being taken advantage of. They ensure that the legacy of the house is being fulfilled. They are the brand ambassadors and should be the ones who promote parents or recruit new free agents. They are the face of the house.
The ranks I’ve held were Queen, Regional Mother & Chapter Mother and in much of my former house life, I held all three titles simultaneously. Regardless of the rank, the terms of success range differently. Chapter Parents should be aiming toward ensuring their kids are polished in their category and storming and earning “star” or “statement” status. Regional Parents should be aiming towards getting “as a house” statement status. Overall Parents should be focused on how they can earn “house of the year” and how they can get their statements to become Legends. Not every house or even every house parent has that goal in mind. You would need to consult your parents to find out their thought process and execution plan.
With that being said, why aren’t more houses pushing towards this?
Don’t always blame house parents because the ones who have much to prove and run the show are always the kids! If you have a house of 50 and only 3 walk clearly Regional & Overall Parents can’t focus on their goals. The kids must push to earn their own status in order for the parents to do their jobs.
Now don’t get me wrong, Parents hold a ton of weight in promoting unity within the house. They enforce rules, standards and traditions and their presence, support and encouragement help keep kids motivated, focused and excited to do better on the runway.
Long story short, kids are the blue collar workers and Parents are the white collar bosses… Everyone’s aim should be longevity and until that holds true for every member of the house… It won’t happen.
Any questions?
Recently, I was asked to write a blog about mothers and what their role and success for a house should be.
I guess I should explain hierarchy in a house (according to my beliefs) in order to better explain my opinion.
Top Rank is Overall Parent. This person is in charge of the overall movement of the entire house. They consult with the regional/chapter parents to ensure that the focus of the house are being met.
Next is Regional Parent. They are told what to execute by the Overall Parents and make sure that the Chapter Parents are doing their job in each chapter.
Next is Chapter Parent. They deal with the everyday running of the house. They are the backbone of the house dealing with the needs and wants of the kids in their chapter.
Some houses have executive boards or “royal courts”. These people have “royalty” ranks such as queen, king, prince, princess, empress, dutchess and duke. They are brought in to execute non-ball related matters. They consult with Regional and Overall Parents to ensure that the house brand is being properly used and uplifted.
Chapter Mothers are the ones who hold the heaviest crown. They are the ones you call when you need ball effects, rehearsals and training. They organize chapter meetings, collect dues, arrange community service, gather the kids for important outings and maintain local buzz about the house. They recruit new members, act as a liaison between other houses and keep the morale up.
Regional Parents should be the ones making sure Chapter Parents have a woo-sah moment every once in a while. Much like the Chapter Parent for the kids, the Regional Parents should be ensuring that the Chapter Parents are running things smoothly. They should be removing members, updating rosters, keeping tabs on house wins and house history.
Overall Parents are not as “involved” in the day to day functions. They are the spokespersons for the house. They make sure that the house or its members are not being taken advantage of. They ensure that the legacy of the house is being fulfilled. They are the brand ambassadors and should be the ones who promote parents or recruit new free agents. They are the face of the house.
The ranks I’ve held were Queen, Regional Mother & Chapter Mother and in much of my former house life, I held all three titles simultaneously. Regardless of the rank, the terms of success range differently. Chapter Parents should be aiming toward ensuring their kids are polished in their category and storming and earning “star” or “statement” status. Regional Parents should be aiming towards getting “as a house” statement status. Overall Parents should be focused on how they can earn “house of the year” and how they can get their statements to become Legends. Not every house or even every house parent has that goal in mind. You would need to consult your parents to find out their thought process and execution plan.
With that being said, why aren’t more houses pushing towards this?
Don’t always blame house parents because the ones who have much to prove and run the show are always the kids! If you have a house of 50 and only 3 walk clearly Regional & Overall Parents can’t focus on their goals. The kids must push to earn their own status in order for the parents to do their jobs.
Now don’t get me wrong, Parents hold a ton of weight in promoting unity within the house. They enforce rules, standards and traditions and their presence, support and encouragement help keep kids motivated, focused and excited to do better on the runway.
Long story short, kids are the blue collar workers and Parents are the white collar bosses… Everyone’s aim should be longevity and until that holds true for every member of the house… It won’t happen.
Any questions?
Saturday, August 6, 2011

OTA BEST DRESSED SPECTATOR - You're always killing 'em from head to toe and tonight's no different.
MAC ATTACK - Show you're creative through couture makeup designs.
OTA HAIR AFFAIR - Let your hair speak for you! Colorful weaves, precision cuts and custom braids; just make sure you're inventive.
NAIL FLAIR - Minx got nothing on your ten colorful fingernails. Most unique design wins the trophy.
WOMAN'S BODY - God made you with perfect curves so pop it and drop it in a bodysuit and heels.
BUTCH SEX SIREN - Your sex appeal makes us want you so in a tight wife beater make the judges drool.
OTA VIRGIN VOGUE - Pop your vogue cherry! Battle others who have nevered competed before.
TRANSMAN BODY - You've created a masterpiece. Show us the true you!
OTA UNPAINTED FACE - Naturally Flawless in all white.
SNEAKER VS. SNEAKER - Sneaker freaks know that Air Force 1's have no business on this runway. Custom colors, retros and limited editions rule here.
WOMAN'S RUNWAY - Must be in Pumps to pump!
ALL AMERICAN RUNWAY - Can you sell it in a man bag?
BUTCH REALNESS - NO HORMONES HERE! You're a girl who can pass for a boy and tonight you're walking in a preppy look. No thug antics!
HIS AND HERS PERFECT TENS - You two are the perfect couple from head to toe. Must be one male figure and one female figure.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Wanna help rebuild the WBT Ballscene? Here's how:
Hall of Famer Ms. Theresa Miza invites you to Full Figured Pageant Auditions

Hall of Famer Ms. Theresa Mizrahi has been a major supporter/contributor for Full Fashion Week for many years and recently posted information regarding auditioning for the coveted event.
I ask for all those ladies interesting in auditioning to come out and strut your stuff!
Win $5000.00
Full-Figured Auditions - August 7th
@ Stepping Out Studios
37 W.26th St. NYC.
This is sure to be the Biggest show in 2012
Registration is FREE!
Wear all black
Good Luck Ladies!
The Twisted Mini Ball Series PT 2 - July 22nd - Newark, NJ

The Twisted Mini Ball Series" pt. 2
@ The Globe
161-171 Vanderpool st. Newark NJ
1) Best Dressed as a house
2) Realness as a house
3) Sex Siren as a house
4) Performance as a house
5) Legendary Performance
6) Legendary Realness
7) Butch FACE
8) New Face
9) New Runway
10) New Vogue
11)FF Face
12)BQ vs FF Best Dressed (2T)
13)Women's Body
14) Sneaker vs Shoe
15)BQID vs FQ Performance (1T)
16)BQ Prettyboy
17)BQ Schoolboy
18)BQ Executive
19)BQ Thug
20)BQ All American
21)BQID vs FQ Runway (1T)
22)BQ Vogue Fem
23)Commentator vs Commentator
24)BQ Sex Siren (Jr vs Sr 2T)
25)BQ European Runway
27)FF Realness
28)BQ Face (light vs caramel vs dark vs big boy 4T)
29)FQ Sex Siren
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Sex Siren: The Proverbial Mindf*ck
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of the overall Ball scene. Do not use these opinions as a rule of thumb; edit them as you see fit for your experience. Thank you.

I've been getting a lot of feedback regarding the sex siren category. Some love that the women are stripping down to next to nothing in an attempt to win over the crowd but there a few more that despise that its an attempt to win over the judges... Sorry to say but in the ballroom, majority does NOT rule.
Sex Siren is the allure of being sensual through tease and suggestion from head to toe drawing in the crowd.
So lets walk the description through and break it down:
WAIT RIGHT THERE! Its about the allure. A sneak peek of physical flirting. A hint of lust. How do you sell allure? Your pace to the judges, your choice of entrance music, your commitment to your walk. The allure is about setting the tone much like one would set the mood prior to lovemaking.
PAUSE! Being sensual (not sexual) through tease and suggestion... Who doesn't know how to tease? Sensual tease is a flip of hair(FF), a peak of abs(MF), bedroom eyes, lip biting/licking, bringing attention to your curves(FF) or muscles(MF) and removing small bits of clothing to entice the judges. Booty claps, splits, back bends, titty shaking, slapping ones ass, grabbing ones crotch are all examples of BODY stunts. They have no place nor importance in the sex siren category.
HOLD IT THERE ONE SECOND! So you've decided to walk and you hit the stage and your hair, makeup or effect is sloppy - You should be chopped. (and yes there is a time that I've personally walked sex siren as a mess and the judges were TOO kind. I should've been chopped) Sex siren is much like preparing for a lust filled night with your lover. You make sure your hair is sexy. You make sure your face/skin is done and inviting. You make sure the lingerie/boxers/swimsuit is fit well. You make sure your toes are done. You make sure that once you seen by the object of your affection (or in this instance, the judges) that they will be blown away and interested to see more of you. Its hard to get randy if you're not looking at eye candy... (That was cute) Honestly that should be the name of the category from now on... Eye Candy.
LASTLY, drawing in the crowd is when you use all those elements to work up the judges/audience. Being a TRUE sex siren is when you can have people from every house in the room going off for YOU. Its the showmanship of the category.
so lets recap...
- Set the mood.
- Be a vixen not a porn star.
- Get it Right! Keep it tight!
- The runway is your stage so act accordingly.
Here's a few FAQs:
"Roxi, do I have to come naked to walk sex siren?"
No! Sexy is sexy in a trash bag or a in a thong. You DO have to present yourself in the manner described in the category description though. If it says "in lingerie", find the lingerie that works well for YOU. Nighties, teddies, corsets and full briefs are still considered lingerie last time I checked. You don't have to resort to wearing pasties and a thong.
"Roxi, I was chopped for sex siren. Should I try again?"
Of course! Always remember that a chop is based on a judge's interpretation of the category & description and what's sexy to one may not be sexy to another.
"Roxi, you chopped me for sex siren. Why?"
If you stripped naked for me or jumped your naked ass on the panel - I'm sure I did. Please remove your labia from the judges table, Miss... Reread this blog post and try again next time."
"Roxi, I'm a (MF) and want to walk this but was told that I have to dance. Is this true?"
Uhhhh... dance like what? A male erotic dancer? You don't have to. The Butch Queens don't go through all of that. You should be able to sell sex siren standing still in one spot.
"Roxi, have you ever seen a sex siren category where the women were following the true definition of the category?"
I sure have... 2009 - Dynasty Ball - Epic battle between Aneesa Blahnik & Angel Moulin but you can watch it for yourself...

I've been getting a lot of feedback regarding the sex siren category. Some love that the women are stripping down to next to nothing in an attempt to win over the crowd but there a few more that despise that its an attempt to win over the judges... Sorry to say but in the ballroom, majority does NOT rule.
So lets walk the description through and break it down:
Sex Siren is the allure...
WAIT RIGHT THERE! Its about the allure. A sneak peek of physical flirting. A hint of lust. How do you sell allure? Your pace to the judges, your choice of entrance music, your commitment to your walk. The allure is about setting the tone much like one would set the mood prior to lovemaking.
Sex Siren is the allure of being sensual through tease and suggestion...
PAUSE! Being sensual (not sexual) through tease and suggestion... Who doesn't know how to tease? Sensual tease is a flip of hair(FF), a peak of abs(MF), bedroom eyes, lip biting/licking, bringing attention to your curves(FF) or muscles(MF) and removing small bits of clothing to entice the judges. Booty claps, splits, back bends, titty shaking, slapping ones ass, grabbing ones crotch are all examples of BODY stunts. They have no place nor importance in the sex siren category.
Sex Siren is the allure of being sensual through tease and suggestion from head to toe...
HOLD IT THERE ONE SECOND! So you've decided to walk and you hit the stage and your hair, makeup or effect is sloppy - You should be chopped. (and yes there is a time that I've personally walked sex siren as a mess and the judges were TOO kind. I should've been chopped) Sex siren is much like preparing for a lust filled night with your lover. You make sure your hair is sexy. You make sure your face/skin is done and inviting. You make sure the lingerie/boxers/swimsuit is fit well. You make sure your toes are done. You make sure that once you seen by the object of your affection (or in this instance, the judges) that they will be blown away and interested to see more of you. Its hard to get randy if you're not looking at eye candy... (That was cute) Honestly that should be the name of the category from now on... Eye Candy.
Sex Siren is the allure of being sensual through tease and suggestion from head to toe drawing in the crowd.
LASTLY, drawing in the crowd is when you use all those elements to work up the judges/audience. Being a TRUE sex siren is when you can have people from every house in the room going off for YOU. Its the showmanship of the category.
so lets recap...
- Set the mood.
- Be a vixen not a porn star.
- Get it Right! Keep it tight!
- The runway is your stage so act accordingly.
Here's a few FAQs:
"Roxi, do I have to come naked to walk sex siren?"
No! Sexy is sexy in a trash bag or a in a thong. You DO have to present yourself in the manner described in the category description though. If it says "in lingerie", find the lingerie that works well for YOU. Nighties, teddies, corsets and full briefs are still considered lingerie last time I checked. You don't have to resort to wearing pasties and a thong.
"Roxi, I was chopped for sex siren. Should I try again?"
Of course! Always remember that a chop is based on a judge's interpretation of the category & description and what's sexy to one may not be sexy to another.
"Roxi, you chopped me for sex siren. Why?"
If you stripped naked for me or jumped your naked ass on the panel - I'm sure I did. Please remove your labia from the judges table, Miss... Reread this blog post and try again next time."
"Roxi, I'm a (MF) and want to walk this but was told that I have to dance. Is this true?"
Uhhhh... dance like what? A male erotic dancer? You don't have to. The Butch Queens don't go through all of that. You should be able to sell sex siren standing still in one spot.
"Roxi, have you ever seen a sex siren category where the women were following the true definition of the category?"
I sure have... 2009 - Dynasty Ball - Epic battle between Aneesa Blahnik & Angel Moulin but you can watch it for yourself...
4th Annual Unity Ball: Love & War Edition - ATL Pride

The 4th Annual Unity Ball: Love & War Edition
September 4, 2011
Hosted by Legendary Mother Jaimee Balenciaga, Legendary Mother Lady Blahnik-Iman & Mother Reign Moulin
Commentator: Jersey Moulin
Location: Melia Hotel
590 W Peachtree St NW - Atlanta, GA
Time: 4pm - 8pm
Face - Bring your lovely face in a flattering shade of red lipstick
Runway - Let’s go to WAR ladies! Bring us runway in an army print (Skirt, dress, pants etc…)
Sex Siren - Are you a loving sex kitten (in pink) or are you a rough and rugged sex kitten (in all black) show us how you do sexy $$
Body - This category speaks for itself… Bring it in a red for (luscious) or black (models) nightie
Foot and eyewear - Bring us a hot duo! Make the audience go to war over your pump and frame (labels is not a must) $$
Face - You have skin for days and a smile that make people stop & gaze so war does not faze you. Sell your face while representing love..
Body - In a red and black effect
Realness - Bring pretty boy vs thug vs school boy vs executive $$
Realness - Bring it waving a flag from a country that promotes love not war
Body - You embody the body of a soldier…use your imagination
Male Figure
All American Runway - You have gone above and beyond the call of duty for mens fashion. How would you look to go receive your medal of honor
Sex Siren - Its raining men!!! Bring us sex appeal in bedroom attire (his is not body, you must be sexy from head to toe) $$
Streetwear - Urban vs High Fashion 2011 pieces
Fem Queen
Face - Its all fair in love and war. Block out your competition by framing your face with a prop and show your love by hugging them as you send them on their way $$
Realness - You can walk down the block with your white wife beater and army
fatigue pants and make the boys swoon. Go to WAR against your competition!
Sex Siren - We would LOVE to see you in a tight sexy red number
Butch Queen in Drags
Realness - U have the key to peace and love in the world… are you real enough to cross the border and save our nation $$
Face - The art of make up while selling it like a fem queen
Butch Queen
Face - (light vs brown vs dark) Bring it in something red (whole outfit does not have to be red but one piece of garment)
Runway - Calling all nations. This is love and war! Bring it in a military effect from any country $$
Realness w/a twist - Bring your realness forth like your going to war come back dipping in the name of love
Open To All
New Face - In a red attire $$
New Runway - In all balck
Hair Affair - We July 4th has passed but bring us a creation sure to set off fireworks
Best Dressed - You are going to visit the Obamas to sign a peace treaty
Butch up in pumps vs Fag Out $$
Who’s Zooming Who?
Team Categories
(One in black and One in Red)
(must be from 2 different houses)
Team Realness $$
Team Runway
Team Face $$
Team Sex Siren
Mini Grand $$
FF Big Girl Face - Victoria Secret is looking for a plus size model for their new Angel campaign … Bring us an Angel to life!!
Mini Grand $$
Vogue Fem Soft & cunt in red and dramatics in black with a prop having to do with love and war… who will win the battle!!
Grand Prize $$
House with the most trophies
Make sure you are on point…there is a twist
In Honor of Arbert Latex-Evisu - Latex Ball 2011 - August 20th 2011

7:00PM - 4:00AM
239 West 52nd Street
New York, NY 10019-5893
Tickets will be available soon.
Music By: DJ Vjuan Allure
Commentators: Legends Jack Mizrahi, Selvin Ebony & Dashaun Evisu
The House of Latex Project
‘A Night at the Latex Museum’
The House of Latex Project presents "A Night at the Latex Museum," where the combination of creativity, life and art history will be merging to stimulate our community to strive for the highest level of quality, and celebrate its many achievements over time. The "Latex Ball" has provided a platform for the last 21 years to help bridge the gap between safer sex messages and the celebration of life. The categories at the ball have always celebrated ballroom history, the non-traditional, and embraced artistic heritages from distinct world cultures. The Latex Ball 2011 is dedicated in loving memory to Arbert (Latex- Evisu) Santana, a founding member of the House of Latex, and a dynamic, innovative, and loving leader in our community. He will forever be in our hearts.
The Fashion Institute
This section of the museum showcases different exhibitions in fashion, and its influence fashion has had across the globe. The Institute's mission is to highlight great innovations and showcase the intense creativity born through fashion.
Female Figure Runway
3 Trophies/ $$
Drags vs. Fem Queens vs. Women
For Centuries, Empresses and Queens have been regarded and celebrated as the most stylish and extravagant figures in history. Tonight at the Latex Museum, we are showcasing Queens of Fashion- from Cleopatra to Marie Antoinette, Queen Elizabeth to Queen Lili'uokalani. The final piece will be a showcase of you. You are not to bring one of the past Queens to life, but rather create a look that will represent you as a modern day Queen. Be Outrageous- and remember no Queen is complete without her crown!!!
Open To All Best Dressed
2 Trophies
Male Figures vs. Female Figures
The Latex Museum is more than honored to have you as a presenter of our finest collections of Avant-Garde accessories. From futuristic to opulent to absolutely bizarre, we want to celebrate High Fashion at its best. Donning the finest apparel, you must showcase the most outrageous accessories ever seen. This is a High Fashion Category, Not a Label Category.
Open To All Labels
2 Trophies
Male Figures vs. Female Figures
Le Gala Haute Couture is the Latex Museum’s world famous gala where only the rich, the famous, and the most fashionable people on earth can attend. Tonight you are our A- List guest to grace our red carpet. You know what we want to see...enough said.
Open To All Bizarre
1 Trophy/ $$
When one looks at the world's cultures, it is impossible not to be inspired by their fashions. You have no choice to be inspired by their ways of fashion. Throughout history, fashion icons have taken inspiration from other countries and made it their own. Some have even managed to create masterpieces based on that inspiration. Tonight we want you to pick a culture and study their fashion, and translate it into a spectacle for us! Remember this is still a fashion category, but it’s also a bizarre category. Innovation is the ultimate key.
The Cultural Society
The Latex Museum finally added a Cultural Society Wing for the study of Realness and its early beginnings. The Cultural Society highlights the great richness and the depths of different cultures and looks at traditions that are known and respected around the world. To us, it’s simply Point Blank Realness.
Fem Queen Realness
1 Trophy
The Japanese culture has always been world-renowned for having a deep, rich, and beautiful heritage. Tonight, showcase the extraordinary beauty it offers by highlighting the Geisha and wearing the traditional Kimono. You don’t need the Geisha paint. Just remember you are still selling Realness.
Team Realness
Butch and Trans Man Realness
2 Trophies
Egyptian Pharaohs were considered to be both divine deities as well as mortal rulers. The throne of Egypt was primarily intended to be succeeded from father to son. For thousands of years we have been intrigued and fascinated by with the history and preservation of Egyptian culture. Tonight, at the Latex Museum bring to life a “father and son” team in their iconic garb.
The Modern Art Exhibit
The phenomenon of Modern Art is celebrated at the Latex Museum. We pay tribute to how the movement changed the world and how each artist in the movement managed to create iconic figures that continue to influence us today. By showcasing creativity and breaking from tradition, it will stimulate the World of Beauty like no other movement.
Fem Queen Face
1 Trophy/ $$
The 20th century brought fun into art like never before and gave birth to Pop Art. From Richard Hamilton to Andy Warhol to Roy Lichtenstein to Jasper Johns- they helped break from tradition and introduced us to new ways of looking at artistry and expression by using mass culture and media. Tonight, bring us a look inspired by Pop Art. Do your research and be CREATIVE!!!
Women’s Face
1 Trophy
The Fem Queen Face Divas of the ballroom have always been the true definition of how we view beauty today. Through glamorous gowns, gorgeous hair, flawless make up, and the timeless art form of selling FACE! Tonight, let’s pay tribute to the true Fem Queen Faces that inspire you. Bring forth a look that will give you the right to grace the same stage as them.
The Natural History Experience
The Natural History Experience division of the Latex Museum houses a vast collection devoted to the beauty of Natural History, ranging from exotic animals, rare gemstones, and the natural wonders of the world found above and below ground.
Fem Queen Sex Siren
1 Trophy
Ever since the human eye laid its sights eyes gemstones, they have been viewed as one of the most beautiful and precious gifts to us from Mother Earth. From Diamonds to Rubies, Emeralds to Sapphires, they are just absolutely breathtaking. Some of the most talented and skilled jewelry designers have made masterpieces from these stones and this evening the Latex Museum is proud to showcase the rarest, most stunning pieces of all time. Tonight, give us a one- of -a- kind look inspired by the Treasures of the World.
Trans- Man Sex Siren
1 Trophy
We are honored to present the first ever Eight Wonder of the World at the Latex Museum known as the Trans-Man Physique. Show us an effect that will reveal your mysterious sexuality. Remember this is the Natural History Experience exhibit so bring us something that compliments the title.
Women’s Body
1 Trophy
Oceanography has always been one of the most interesting studies of the world because of the ocean's mysteries. We know more about the landscape of the moon, than what lies beneath the seas. We have found many beautiful discoveries within the ocean and we are more than proud to showcase them this evening. Tonight, bring forth a look inspired by the deep blue sea.
The Entertainment Hall of Fame
This wing at the Latex Museum is devoted to the World of Entertainment and how it has affected the world and ballroom culture; whether it’s music, movies, performance, photography, television, magazines, or literature. One thing is for certain, it has definitively had an impact on the way we think, live, and look as individuals.
Female Figure Performance
3 Trophies/ $$
Drags vs. Fem Queens vs. Women
The cinema has always made a great impression on the way we dream, act, look, and live. Whether it’s a romantic, horror, suspense, animated, action, sci-fi, or dramatic movie- we all can remember a movie that we have fantasized about living in. Tonight, we are paying tribute to the most influential movies in history. Bring to life a character from any movie of any genre and create a monumental moment in history. No Production. Bring the look and your performance will convey the character.
Old Way vs. New Way vs. Arms Control
3 Trophies/ $$
Tonight we are honored to showcase one of the greatest photographic collections in world history at the Latex Museum. Phenomenal photographers like Helmut Newton, David LaChapelle, Irving Penn, Man Ray, Nan Goldin, Richard Avedon, Annie Leibowitz, Herb Ritts, Robert Mapplethorpe, and many others who have helped reflect the times we live in. Photography has many elements of expression, including fashion, photojournalism, documentary and portraiture. Bring the photograph that inspired you and be ready to bring it to life...
Sunday, July 3, 2011
I don't wanna grow up cuz baby if I did - I wouldnt be a ballroom KID!

First let’s start with Commitment. You joined a house. YOU joined a house. You saw qualities in a group of people that caused you to want to spend your hard earned money, your precious time, and your spare energy to help upkeep their image. Yes I said YOUR resources and yes you must help upkeep what you found to be attractive about them. That’s the one thing that we all forget: the sense of commitment. When you join a house, you must look at it like joining a little league team. This is your team that you will practice with, encourage, uplift and hopefully win alongside of. Don’t look at it as joining a MLB team where you sign on for three years, consider yourself a huge commodity then trade to a new team for more money. If what made the house alluring in the first place is no longer present, what are you willing to do to fix it?
That brings me to Support. Much like a real house, it takes upkeep to maintain the appearance of opulence. Each member has a role, serves a purpose and has a responsibility. When members leave or grow dormant, their purpose goes unfulfilled and slowly adds wear and tear to the house. Others must step in and continue the work to keep the house running smoothly. If you feel like your house isn’t running smoothly; look at how your actions can correct the issue. Are you maintaining contact with parents for information? Are you keeping communication with your brothers/sisters? Are you attending get-togethers/balls/meetings? Are you paying your dues? Are you practicing? Are you walking? Are you being a cheerleader? Are you of any use to the house at all? You should have said yes to all those questions to be considered a functioning member of the house. You can feel it when large amounts of members all answer no to them. The house doesn’t run smoothly. I mentioned earlier that it takes YOUR resources to help upkeep a house image. It does. It takes money to travel to different states for balls, for hotel stays and transportation, for entrance fees, for effects, for outfits… It is not paid for by the house. You must tap into your pockets to pay for that. Be responsible for yourself. Find your own source of support.
Next is Pride. As a new kid, you’re ecstatic to be the new [enter house name here] but do you still feel that way after a year? Your first chop/loss? Your first upset? When they add a new kid to the roster? Or a new kid who walks your category? You should. Even if you think the new face child doesn’t has face, you should be proud to belong to the house. Help the child give the face they should. Instill in them a sense of pride by showing them the support they deserve and building up their self-esteem. [Nice lead-in huh?]
Categories are never won by insecure, shy, socially inept people. They are won by those who can ruffle their feathers proud like a peacock. Self-esteem and confidence is essential to being in a house. You must be confident enough to stand tall while allowing yourself to be judged. Judged by the panel, by the spectators and even judged by your very own house siblings. Yes, don’t be confused. They all don’t see you. It may be shade; it may be personal opinion, but you won’t be the best in everyone’s eye. The leaders of the house are responsible for building up self-esteem in their kids. They cannot focus one on one with each one constantly though. As brother & sisters, you must pick up the slack. Help a runway girl find the right shoes. Research costumes for a realness kid. Buy moisturizer for the face girl. Help each member be their best and build a stronger foundation of respect.
How could you want to sabotage the person who helped you get prepared for a Ball? Helped you practice? Made you feel attractive? Built your reputation? You couldn’t if you had respect for them. Respect is not wanting to cause any harm to them. Emotionally, verbally and physically. If each member, titled or not, are pulling their own weight and maintaining their responsibilities, how could they not respect one another? Having respect is comforting in a house setting and solidifies house loyalty.
Loyalty is standing by someone through thick and thin and maintaining all the aforementioned things with them. (No fair weather friends here, folks!) This is the hardest condition to keep because we don’t always agree on things. We don’t always see eye to eye. Arguments happen and grudges are hard to erase. You have to admit humility at times and boast proudly at others. Picking your battles and respecting the decisions of the leaders is being loyal. Don’t be discouraged in conflict and find a way out. Maintaining loyalty is appreciating your role in the grand scheme and never losing sight of that. Once each member has reached this state of bliss… You see - Unity.
Unity is what the outside world sees. It is the combination of all of the above working in sync. In my personal opinion, this is the shiny aura that people see when looking to join a house. It is the glow that stands houses out from the rest on paper and at a ball. Its something we all want and can’t seem to obtain. Here’s my recipe kids… Don’t let it go to waste.
Who runs the world? Girls! NOOO... Its the kids!
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of the overall Ball scene. Do not use these opinions as a rule of thumb; edit them as you see fit for your experience. Thank you.
Recently, I was asked to write a blog about mothers and what their role and success for a house should be.
I guess I should explain hierarchy in a house (according to my beliefs) in order to better explain my opinion.
Top Rank is Overall Parent. This person is in charge of the overall movement of the entire house. They consult with the regional/chapter parents to ensure that the focus of the house is being met.
Next is Regional Parent. They are told what to execute by the Overall Parents and make sure that the Chapter Parents are doing their job in each chapter.
Next is Chapter Parent. They deal with the everyday running of the house. They are the backbone of the house dealing with the needs and wants of the kids in their chapter.
Some houses have executive boards or “royal courts”. These people have “royalty” ranks such as queen, king, prince, princess, empress, dutchess and duke. They are brought in to execute non-ball related matters. They consult with Regional and Overall Parents to ensure that the house brand is being properly used and uplifted.
Chapter Mothers are the ones who hold the heaviest crown. They are the ones you call when you need ball effects, rehearsals and training. They organize chapter meetings, collect dues, arrange community service, gather the kids for important outings and maintain local buzz about the house. They recruit new members, act as a liaison between other houses and keep the morale up.
Regional Parents should be the ones making sure Chapter Parents have a woo-sah moment every once in a while. Much like the Chapter Parent for the kids, the Regional Parents should be ensuring that the Chapter Parents are running things smoothly. They should be removing members, updating rosters, keeping tabs on house wins and house history.
Overall Parents are not as “involved” in the day to day functions. They are the spokespersons for the house. They make sure that the house or its members are not being taken advantage of. They ensure that the legacy of the house is being fulfilled. They are the brand ambassadors and should be the ones who promote parents or recruit new free agents. They are the face of the house.
The ranks I’ve held were Queen, Regional Mother & Chapter Mother and in much of my former house life, I held all three titles simultaneously. Regardless of the rank, the terms of success range differently. Chapter Parents should be aiming toward ensuring their kids are polished in their category and storming and earning “star” or “statement” status. Regional Parents should be aiming towards getting “as a house” statement status. Overall Parents should be focused on how they can earn “house of the year” and how they can get their statements to become Legends. Not every house or even every house parent has that goal in mind. You would need to consult your parents to find out their thought process and execution plan.
With that being said, why aren’t more houses pushing towards this?
Don’t always blame house parents because the ones who have much to prove and run the show are always the kids! If you have a house of 50 and only 3 walk clearly Regional & Overall Parents can’t focus on their goals. The kids must push to earn their own status in order help the parents to do their jobs.
Now don’t get me wrong, Parents hold a ton of weight in promoting unity within the house. They enforce rules, standards and traditions and their presence, support and encouragement help keep kids motivated, focused and excited to do better on the runway.
Long story short, kids are the blue collar workers and Parents are the white collar bosses… Everyone’s aim should be longevity and until that holds true for every member of the house… It won’t happen.
Any questions?
Recently, I was asked to write a blog about mothers and what their role and success for a house should be.
I guess I should explain hierarchy in a house (according to my beliefs) in order to better explain my opinion.
Top Rank is Overall Parent. This person is in charge of the overall movement of the entire house. They consult with the regional/chapter parents to ensure that the focus of the house is being met.
Next is Regional Parent. They are told what to execute by the Overall Parents and make sure that the Chapter Parents are doing their job in each chapter.
Next is Chapter Parent. They deal with the everyday running of the house. They are the backbone of the house dealing with the needs and wants of the kids in their chapter.
Some houses have executive boards or “royal courts”. These people have “royalty” ranks such as queen, king, prince, princess, empress, dutchess and duke. They are brought in to execute non-ball related matters. They consult with Regional and Overall Parents to ensure that the house brand is being properly used and uplifted.
Chapter Mothers are the ones who hold the heaviest crown. They are the ones you call when you need ball effects, rehearsals and training. They organize chapter meetings, collect dues, arrange community service, gather the kids for important outings and maintain local buzz about the house. They recruit new members, act as a liaison between other houses and keep the morale up.
Regional Parents should be the ones making sure Chapter Parents have a woo-sah moment every once in a while. Much like the Chapter Parent for the kids, the Regional Parents should be ensuring that the Chapter Parents are running things smoothly. They should be removing members, updating rosters, keeping tabs on house wins and house history.
Overall Parents are not as “involved” in the day to day functions. They are the spokespersons for the house. They make sure that the house or its members are not being taken advantage of. They ensure that the legacy of the house is being fulfilled. They are the brand ambassadors and should be the ones who promote parents or recruit new free agents. They are the face of the house.
The ranks I’ve held were Queen, Regional Mother & Chapter Mother and in much of my former house life, I held all three titles simultaneously. Regardless of the rank, the terms of success range differently. Chapter Parents should be aiming toward ensuring their kids are polished in their category and storming and earning “star” or “statement” status. Regional Parents should be aiming towards getting “as a house” statement status. Overall Parents should be focused on how they can earn “house of the year” and how they can get their statements to become Legends. Not every house or even every house parent has that goal in mind. You would need to consult your parents to find out their thought process and execution plan.
With that being said, why aren’t more houses pushing towards this?
Don’t always blame house parents because the ones who have much to prove and run the show are always the kids! If you have a house of 50 and only 3 walk clearly Regional & Overall Parents can’t focus on their goals. The kids must push to earn their own status in order help the parents to do their jobs.
Now don’t get me wrong, Parents hold a ton of weight in promoting unity within the house. They enforce rules, standards and traditions and their presence, support and encouragement help keep kids motivated, focused and excited to do better on the runway.
Long story short, kids are the blue collar workers and Parents are the white collar bosses… Everyone’s aim should be longevity and until that holds true for every member of the house… It won’t happen.
Any questions?
Monday, June 27, 2011
The Iman Time Machine Ball Recap
NYC Pride marks the coming of the House of Iman annual ball and once again Overall Mother Aisha Iman gathered the bigwigs of community health organizations to sponsor a beautiful venue in order to throw the ball. Free HIV testing provided by H.E.A.T. with support from Hetrick-Martin Institute and GMHC women's program.
My disappointment started first with seeing the lack of support from not only the womens houses and walkers but from the mainstream and kiki scene. No ball will ever be a hit if a minimal amount of people show up or walk. Then it was elevated when seeing how many people showed up so many hours late. I, myself was late due to preparing for my sister's graduation party later on that night but the majority of people arrived at least 4-5 hours late and some even complained that the few categoris that were left were taking too long b/c they wanted to run off to attend a club event that night. If people would have arrived on time, the ball couldnt ended within enough time for all of them to go home, bathe, rest and get dressed to be at the club at a good time.
Ultimately, a ball us only as good as the support, participation and respect from the community is.
I would love to read some feedback from those who attended but for those who haven't attended... watch the following videos and "You Be The Judge"!
Best Dressed
Womens Face
Womens Sex Siren
Womens Body
Shoe & Bag
OTA Runway
Butch Realness
SOOOOOOO "You Be The Judge"...
My disappointment started first with seeing the lack of support from not only the womens houses and walkers but from the mainstream and kiki scene. No ball will ever be a hit if a minimal amount of people show up or walk. Then it was elevated when seeing how many people showed up so many hours late. I, myself was late due to preparing for my sister's graduation party later on that night but the majority of people arrived at least 4-5 hours late and some even complained that the few categoris that were left were taking too long b/c they wanted to run off to attend a club event that night. If people would have arrived on time, the ball couldnt ended within enough time for all of them to go home, bathe, rest and get dressed to be at the club at a good time.
Ultimately, a ball us only as good as the support, participation and respect from the community is.
I would love to read some feedback from those who attended but for those who haven't attended... watch the following videos and "You Be The Judge"!
Best Dressed
Womens Face
Womens Sex Siren
Womens Body
Shoe & Bag
OTA Runway
Butch Realness
SOOOOOOO "You Be The Judge"...
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
In Memory of Legendary Jennifer Banks Evisu

Legendary Jennifer Banks Evisu, Reigning Miss Gay Caribbean USA, Face & Realness Diva, Hair Stylist Extraordinaire, performer and LGBT activist passed away this week due to medical complications. This post is to honor her memory and her legacy. I usually would write on and on about her life, her accomplishments and her contributions but her actions speak louder than any words I could type. (Click here to read her NY Daily News Article) So I leave it to Jennifer to showcase what makes her such a loved, appreciated and well-respected woman in the ballroom/pageant/LGBT scene...
I present to you...
Stage Performance
Picture Montage of
The Many Faces of Jennifer Banks Evisu
(made lovingly by Grandmother Susan Mizrahi)
Myself and the 'Getting My Life' staff send our condolences to Jennifer's Family and Friends. She was an inspiration and shall be missed.
Friday, June 17, 2011
More Ass? Less Class? Same Sass? - FQ Sex Siren
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion or position of the ball promoters or hosts.
Female Figure Sex Siren - one of the two most popular categories has changed over the last ten years significantly. Much like the evolution of societal views of the sexual image, the category has grown exceedingly explicit which begs to question: Has the video vixen image distorted the respect we have for our female figures? Is it possible to remain classy while parading all your 'ass'ets?
In a previous post regarding the Body category (Let's Get Physical) it was discussed that Body is shaking what your mama gave you, which leads to the assumption of being next to nude but does sex siren NEED to lead to the same assumption?
Our sex kitten icons from the 1950s who sold small doses of sensuality have now been replaced with images of spread eagle vixens alluring their audience with much more than a set of bedroom eyes.

Personally, I idolize a classier sex siren entrance much like Legendary Mother Sinia Ebony...
Now sex sirens resort to less clothes...
Shannon Ex-Khan
And now also contain sexual explicit actions (i.e. dancer moves)...
Icon Overall Mother Angel Revlon
Now don't get me wrong, Revlons and Angel fans, I am sooooo not judging her! I'm one of her BIGGEST fans (and no I don't mean big as in wide haha)! As a matter of fact, she's brought back the sensual sex siren walk recently at the Evisu Ball 2010 and I applaud her and think she looked AMAZING!
So now that you've seen both ends of the Sex Siren spectrum... what do YOU think?
Female Figure Sex Siren - one of the two most popular categories has changed over the last ten years significantly. Much like the evolution of societal views of the sexual image, the category has grown exceedingly explicit which begs to question: Has the video vixen image distorted the respect we have for our female figures? Is it possible to remain classy while parading all your 'ass'ets?
In a previous post regarding the Body category (Let's Get Physical) it was discussed that Body is shaking what your mama gave you, which leads to the assumption of being next to nude but does sex siren NEED to lead to the same assumption?
Our sex kitten icons from the 1950s who sold small doses of sensuality have now been replaced with images of spread eagle vixens alluring their audience with much more than a set of bedroom eyes.

Personally, I idolize a classier sex siren entrance much like Legendary Mother Sinia Ebony...
Now sex sirens resort to less clothes...
Shannon Ex-Khan
And now also contain sexual explicit actions (i.e. dancer moves)...
Icon Overall Mother Angel Revlon
Now don't get me wrong, Revlons and Angel fans, I am sooooo not judging her! I'm one of her BIGGEST fans (and no I don't mean big as in wide haha)! As a matter of fact, she's brought back the sensual sex siren walk recently at the Evisu Ball 2010 and I applaud her and think she looked AMAZING!
So now that you've seen both ends of the Sex Siren spectrum... what do YOU think?
Ball Schmall! This Is The Greatest Show On Earth!
A Ball is a competition where teams of people known as "houses" compete against each other in various categories based on fashion, realness, hair, dance and costume effects just to name a few.
To be honest, a Ball is nothing more than a big show and the judges are forced to choose which house gave the better show. Elaborate costumes, grand entrances, skits and self-confident people displaying their skills and/or talents is what makes a Ball so great.
A Ball is a form of entertainment for those who compete as well as for those who spectate. For competitors, it's showcasing themselves and earning their "oscar" in less than ten minutes. They are fueled on anxiety and confidence that this time they will win. For spectators, its about viewing the outlandish antics, choosing your own winner and hoping that your choice wins.
Many reality tv shows that we watch currently are based on the ideal behind a ball. Our runway categories are mimiced by "America's Next Top Model". Our fashion categories are mimiced by "Project Runway". Our dance categories are mimiced by "America's Best Dance Crew" and "So You Think You Dance". You can find traces of the ball scene in a lot of the competition based shows. Even our couple categories can be traced to the reality dating shows.
A Ball is synonymous with the LGBTQ community but is open to all genders, races, creeds and sexual preferences. Below is a video of the 2010 "Fashion Revolution" Ball presented by GMHC's Latex Project. If you aren't intrigued to see more after viewing this video then you aren't living! (just a joke... I'm pretty sure you're still breathing)
To be honest, a Ball is nothing more than a big show and the judges are forced to choose which house gave the better show. Elaborate costumes, grand entrances, skits and self-confident people displaying their skills and/or talents is what makes a Ball so great.
A Ball is a form of entertainment for those who compete as well as for those who spectate. For competitors, it's showcasing themselves and earning their "oscar" in less than ten minutes. They are fueled on anxiety and confidence that this time they will win. For spectators, its about viewing the outlandish antics, choosing your own winner and hoping that your choice wins.
Many reality tv shows that we watch currently are based on the ideal behind a ball. Our runway categories are mimiced by "America's Next Top Model". Our fashion categories are mimiced by "Project Runway". Our dance categories are mimiced by "America's Best Dance Crew" and "So You Think You Dance". You can find traces of the ball scene in a lot of the competition based shows. Even our couple categories can be traced to the reality dating shows.
A Ball is synonymous with the LGBTQ community but is open to all genders, races, creeds and sexual preferences. Below is a video of the 2010 "Fashion Revolution" Ball presented by GMHC's Latex Project. If you aren't intrigued to see more after viewing this video then you aren't living! (just a joke... I'm pretty sure you're still breathing)
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