I've been getting a lot of feedback regarding the sex siren category. Some love that the women are stripping down to next to nothing in an attempt to win over the crowd but there a few more that despise that its an attempt to win over the judges... Sorry to say but in the ballroom, majority does NOT rule.
So lets walk the description through and break it down:
Sex Siren is the allure...
WAIT RIGHT THERE! Its about the allure. A sneak peek of physical flirting. A hint of lust. How do you sell allure? Your pace to the judges, your choice of entrance music, your commitment to your walk. The allure is about setting the tone much like one would set the mood prior to lovemaking.
Sex Siren is the allure of being sensual through tease and suggestion...
PAUSE! Being sensual (not sexual) through tease and suggestion... Who doesn't know how to tease? Sensual tease is a flip of hair(FF), a peak of abs(MF), bedroom eyes, lip biting/licking, bringing attention to your curves(FF) or muscles(MF) and removing small bits of clothing to entice the judges. Booty claps, splits, back bends, titty shaking, slapping ones ass, grabbing ones crotch are all examples of BODY stunts. They have no place nor importance in the sex siren category.
Sex Siren is the allure of being sensual through tease and suggestion from head to toe...
HOLD IT THERE ONE SECOND! So you've decided to walk and you hit the stage and your hair, makeup or effect is sloppy - You should be chopped. (and yes there is a time that I've personally walked sex siren as a mess and the judges were TOO kind. I should've been chopped) Sex siren is much like preparing for a lust filled night with your lover. You make sure your hair is sexy. You make sure your face/skin is done and inviting. You make sure the lingerie/boxers/swimsuit is fit well. You make sure your toes are done. You make sure that once you seen by the object of your affection (or in this instance, the judges) that they will be blown away and interested to see more of you. Its hard to get randy if you're not looking at eye candy... (That was cute) Honestly that should be the name of the category from now on... Eye Candy.
Sex Siren is the allure of being sensual through tease and suggestion from head to toe drawing in the crowd.
LASTLY, drawing in the crowd is when you use all those elements to work up the judges/audience. Being a TRUE sex siren is when you can have people from every house in the room going off for YOU. Its the showmanship of the category.
so lets recap...
- Set the mood.
- Be a vixen not a porn star.
- Get it Right! Keep it tight!
- The runway is your stage so act accordingly.
Here's a few FAQs:
"Roxi, do I have to come naked to walk sex siren?"
No! Sexy is sexy in a trash bag or a in a thong. You DO have to present yourself in the manner described in the category description though. If it says "in lingerie", find the lingerie that works well for YOU. Nighties, teddies, corsets and full briefs are still considered lingerie last time I checked. You don't have to resort to wearing pasties and a thong.
"Roxi, I was chopped for sex siren. Should I try again?"
Of course! Always remember that a chop is based on a judge's interpretation of the category & description and what's sexy to one may not be sexy to another.
"Roxi, you chopped me for sex siren. Why?"
If you stripped naked for me or jumped your naked ass on the panel - I'm sure I did. Please remove your labia from the judges table, Miss... Reread this blog post and try again next time."
"Roxi, I'm a (MF) and want to walk this but was told that I have to dance. Is this true?"
Uhhhh... dance like what? A male erotic dancer? You don't have to. The Butch Queens don't go through all of that. You should be able to sell sex siren standing still in one spot.
"Roxi, have you ever seen a sex siren category where the women were following the true definition of the category?"
I sure have... 2009 - Dynasty Ball - Epic battle between Aneesa Blahnik & Angel Moulin but you can watch it for yourself...
Now that was classy . but it was one video i seen on youtube dont remember which one it was a strip-off in my opinion and for some one such as myself who is interested in walking and this may be one of the categories id like to walk Good to know my labia isnt gonna help me get the 10's lol informative and interesting as always xo LayD