In-depth open forum discussing and detailing the newly revamped Women, Butch and Transmen Ballscene: a scene derived from the thriving mainstream ballscene.
Attend the 1st OFFICIAL WBT Ball of the year! Legendary Kiron Ebony-Alpha and Lady Blahnik presents The Party Monster Ball in Philadelphia on April 28th!
At the Evisu Ball last weekend I was fortunate enough to be stuck in the bathroom with my icon, Overall Mother Stephanie Milan. Stephanie has been walking this scene for almost 25 years and in my personal opinion (and the opinion of quite of few others) is the most elegant female figure to EVER do it. Stephanie has stormed a ton of categories and won more than a ton of trophies.
Sitting in the bathroom with her and having a GREAT conversation with her and Chris Milan opened a new view of my icon. She kiki'd on the girls, dismissed her loss of the night (SHE WAS ROBBED) and wished well numerous other walkers simply based on their dedication to the category and the scene. Honestly, I never laughed so hard in my life and I can see why the House of Milan lives for her, cradles her as their mother and runs to be by her side.
I can go on and on about the two hours I spent with her but I'd rather allow you to see her in her glory. Walking the hell out of fashion, elegantly displaying her face and pumping that hourglass figure.
Stephanie, this is my tribute to you!
The Evisu Ball was probably the most highly anticipated ball since their debut of an awesome movie trailer at this years Latex ball. Below are some clips of the action:
A lot of people have been asking me about walking for the first time so here is my POP YOUR CHERRY campaign.
Virgin categories are ideal for you to consider if you're nervous about walking for the first time. They are designed to bring in people who haven't walked or haven't won so that you can start walking or to improve your serving technique. In a virgin category, known walkers/winners are not allowed to participate.
So what is needed if you're walking FOR THE FIRST TIME?
Knowledge - research your category first. Find out who slays the category you're interested and watch them. Much like children, be prepared to mimic what they do to get tens and add your own personal twist to it.
Effects - Most virgin categories ask you to come in white; others may not. Make sure you abide by the rules set for the category. Don't end up getting chopped for wearing the wrong thing before ever showing your skill or talent. (That's the part that hurts)
THE MOST IMPORTANT NEED IS:(drum roll please)
Confidence - it's your best asset. Judges smell fear. You must believe in yourself and be strong enough to be judged by others. It isn't easy to walk out in a large group of your peers and perform.
It is a humbling experience though should you be chopped though. Don't ever assume you failed. Virgin categories are designed to be a learning experience. You can be chopped for two things: wrong effect or you don't fit the category. Always keep in mind that judging is based on personal interpretation of the category and that one judge may not see you and another will. Should you ever get chopped, thank the judges for their vote and gracefully leave the stage. After the ball, ask the judge why you were chopped. They will be honest and tell you why. Take their critiques and use them to walk the next virgin category.
Don't let criticism stop you. Icons are icons because they have compete for 15+ years and have battled numerous people in various states. Legends are legends for 10+ years of battling and statements and stars as well. Point is: we all, regardless of years walking, have to adapt and improve in order to gain a higher title or Life.
The commentator will call the category and all those walking should come to top of the runway.
One by one (or however many the commentator requests) walk up to serve it to the judges.
If you get all tens from the judges, you stand to the side and wait for everyone else to walk and receive their tens or chops. Those who have received tens now enter battle zone where you battle one on one to get closer to the win.
If you get chopped, gracefully exit stage right BUT watch the remainder of the category. See what the others do so that you know what the judges liked and disliked. It'll help you for the next time.
With all that said, I encourage all those interested in walking a ball to take a risk and put yourself out there. Balls are meant to be fun and competitive at the same time.
Here are some virgin category video to watch so you can see clearly what happens. See you on the catwalk!
Located in Midtown in New York City, on the fourth floor of Pearl Studios, you will find a class breaking down walls and stereotypes taught by none other but Mr $5,000 Vogue Evolution alumni Legendary Dashaun (Evisu) Wesley. Here is the where you'll find "Vogue of Art".
Vogue or "voguing" is a highly stylized, modern house dance, that evolved out of the Harlem ballroom dance scene. Vogue was originally popularized in the late 1980s, within the inner-city club scenes of the United States. It gained mainstream attention when featured by Malcolm McLaren in his Deep_in_Vogue #1 single in 1989, and by Madonna in her song and video of the same name, and has recently been returned to domestic and international attention again by the dance group Vogue Evolution of America's Best Dance Crew. (Wikipedia)
"Vogue of Art" is a classically directed vogue beginner class where Dashaun teaches "the vogue blueprint" as well as freestyle techniques forcing students to develop their own style of vogue while maintaining its essence. He alternates between teaching vogue basic steps and choreographed vogue routines. The class consists of a wide array of persons from local ballscene participants to international dance students taking dance classes on student visas - male and female and introduces them to the highly anticipated category in the ballscene as we know it.
Tonight begins with Dashaun's close friend David, warming up the class with basic stretch techniques. Like most professional dance classes, warming up the muscles and limbs are necessary to get the body prepared for the rigorous activity which this class is not in lack of. According to Dashaun, "Vogue Evolution usually vogues and then stretches to vogue again" and with the intensity of this form of dance, most beginners should allow their bodies to get used to the movement.
It was amazing to see the skill set difference between three very different students in tonight's class and yet they kept up (with a few slip-ups along the way) with a sense of eagerness that made the class enjoyable to watch. David, an aspiring actor, proposes a new exercise where each student must vogue freestyle displaying an emotion or character picked from a piece of paper and you had to stand in awe of how Paul, an aspiring ballscene voguer, displays Broadway in his rendition and how Omar, an Italian student here on a visa, vogued like Superman. It was a pleasure to watch as well as trying to figure out which word they picked out of the hat.
After the exercise is over, Dashaun gives quick information and directs them to start rehearsing the choreographed piece from last week's class. Pumping Kevin JZ Prodigy's "Listen Up (Insider Get In)", the group quickly lines up for a catwalk and awesome synchronised hand performances. Noticeably, Dashaun has grown from being a member of a group to a skilled choreographer by first being able to motivate his students and then making sure that even their lines are straight as they execute each step. They are no "kiki girlfriend" moments. He is strict and determined to get the routine in sync not only for my camera but to maintain the essence of the dance. After several more added moves and from-the-top rehearsals, each student ended it in a true-to-fashion dip.
An hour is definitely not enough time to get the true art of the dance but with the schedule he follows, after a few classes you will be able to see your own personal growth and be able to grasp new moves of your own as he tells another student he's done.
Ending the class, Dashaun announces that on October 27th, he will be teaching a FREE class at the studio to give back to all those who have supported him thus far. (That's right - Roxi always gets the tea FIRST!) This class is open to all on that date. Dashaun is also prepping now to move on to bigger heights as he has been asked to teach vogue at the well-known Broadway Dance Center since his contract with Block was arranged. This is a big feat since BDC has had so many popular teachers as Tyce Diorio and Mia Michaels from "So You Think You Can Dance". His move to BDC has not yet been determined as of yet.
When asked why he decided to teach vogue, Dashaun replies "Let the other girls win the next $5,000. I am aimed to give back to the community".
Well said Dashaun. You're paying it forward like a true legend should and on behalf of those who yearn to catwalk, duckwalk and dip like the best, we thank you.
Check out 'Vogue Of Art' every Wednesday at Pearl Studios, 500 8th Avenue between 35th and 36th Sts, between 8pm and 9pm and follow Dashaun on Twitter (@dashaunwesley) to find out more information as well get to-the-minute updates on future shows and events. To see more about the class (if you're hoping to get a glimpse), see the class trailer below as well as Dashaun's $5,000 winning production at the 2005 Atlanta Awards Ball.
Women’s Face- (Anna Maria) 1 point Appearing from country to country to manipulate the poor with false promises of fortune was a trait that was passed down to Mr. Green from his late mother, Anna Maria. But even her teachings may not save her son tonight! Anna Maria lives again in spirit in an effort to free her son from the Clue Mansion. CLUE= GYPSY; FORTUNE TELLER; MYSTICAL WARDROBE.
Butch Realness- (Casualties) 1 point Col. Mustard received numerous honors while serving for his country, before conforming to a life of dishonesty and trickery. His bitterness stems from many friends of his that were INJURED on the front line during the Vietnam War. CLUE= ARMY FATIGUES; BRUISES/SCARS; BLOOD; and WEAPONS.
Women's Runway- (Lady Hero) 1 point During The War, many barriers were broken and the females in the Service earned positions they've never could have achieved before. Col. Mustard spoke of one particular unforgettable Lady Lieutenant who helped him lead the US to victory. He said her PRESENCE, CHARISMA, SEX APPEAL and SHADE were some key factors that made her an Icon within the Women’s Revolution. Remember her. CLUE= SEXY LIEUTENANT or HIGH FASHION SOLDIER.
Transman Perfect 10's- (Love For Yvette) 1 point Shortly before her position as the Mansions Maid, Yvette searched long and hard for her Prince Charming. She often questioned why it was so difficult to find a Guy with the elements of REALNESS, SEX, and SWAGG that she's been looking for all her life. On this evening; profess your love to Yvette and become her Ultimate Companion. CLUE= A SEXY LOOK showing your SWAGG and selling your REALNESS with a RED ROSE for Yvette.
OTA Old Way- (Law and Enforcement) 1 Point The police usually play a significant role in the tricky world of crime. Whether it be the Crooked Cop or the Too Nosy For His/Her Own Good butinsky, they too have a hand in the outcome of the game. Some last long, others won’t. Prove tonight that Law Enforcement plays the Game just as well as the Criminals. And sometimes even better. CLUE= A Male or Female Figure POLICE OFFICER.
OTA Body- (Fully Equipped) 1 point each (mf &ff) Its definitely hard to conceal anything when everybody is a suspect. For those who are smart, they know that there are a few accessories that make it so easy. Come equipped with only the necessary. CLUE= Females Figures as Puss -N- BOOTS; Male Figures in Combat BOOTS.
Hands Performance- (You've Been Caught) 1 point There's nothing more intense than being caught in the act of your Crime. Now the question is whether you will continue to see the job through, or stumble and freeze. You've already been caught Red Handed. What else do you have to lose? CLUE= A CREATIVE and CUSTOMIZED RED GLOVE.
Bazaar- (Beneath the Stairs) 1 point The guests pull match sticks to see which pair will team up and search the mansion. As you and your partner in crime pull the shortest stick, it is your responsibility to search the basement. Wadsworth warns everyone to be careful and looks you in the eyes and says, “Especially you. What you will find beneath the stairs will leave you bewildered and confused.” What lies beneath the stairs? CLUE= Use your imagination
Best Dressed – (The Invitation) 1 point each (mf & ff )$500 MF and $500 FF Invitations to the Clue Mansion are only given to a select few. These few are the Who’s Who of Society. When Wadsworth opens the door, he will look not only for an invitation, but also a unique personal style. Keep in mind you will be rubbing shoulders with the elite, so the look should be memorable as well as fashionable. CLUE= Tastefully done
OTA Foot, Eye and Surprise – (Shock Value) 1 point $250 Mrs. Peacocks eclectic sense of style has been called many things from cutting edge to gawdy yet it all seems to fit her personality to a tee. You see…. with Peacock everything is about Shock value. Can you say the same? CLUE= Shocking eyewear, devastating footwear and an ovah surprise concealed in a box with a question mark. Fall Winter 2010-2011 pieces.
So I've been asked a million questions about the contest and what HAIR AFFAIR is. Hair Affair falls along the lines of fantasy hair. Think Derek J and his current show "Hair Battle Spectacular"...
Below are some pictures I've found and a video of Mr. Bizarre himself, G Xtravaganza walking the cat. This forces you to think outside the box. The images speak volumes so I won't explain anymore. GET CREATIVE!
For rules and details about the online ball, click here
Before you consider a house or start your own, ask yourself this: Am I producing results on my own merit? A house, much like a basketball team, thrives on the points that each member racks up and the participation of the team as a whole. So why be on a team if you don't care to play? No one ever strives to the benchwarmer!
A desired house member is a productive '007' or 'free agent' (they both mean you hold no affiliation to a house). Most house parents are looking for members that can be fine tuned, tweaked and slightly improved upon in order to uplift the house name as well as win trophies to continue their legacy. Some parents choose members on what could be while good parents choose based on what is good now and can be better later.
At one time, free agents ruled the ballscene having houses vie for their membership. Every house wants the next hot thing and if you never light your own match, you will never be hot. In this scene, it isn't who you know but rather who you sat down.
In the WBT scene, so many are nervous and fearful of rejection and refuse to build up enough confidence to compete. Some participate one or two times without a win and give up while you have others who study, research, practice and battle time and time again. Guess which of the three will turn heads and earn their Life...
EASY... WALK! If you show that you are willing to dedicate the time and energy in yourself and put your best face forward, houses will stop and pay attention. They want you to give a challenge. It forces their members to step their game up and gives them a formidable opponent. No one ever wants to win by being the only one walking. How many people do you know train to win by forfeit? The objective is show your skills and get public interest and snag the attention of a house willing to help you go farther than you did on your own.
Find a category that best suits your interest and research it. Do you have what it takes to pull the look off. Don't attempt to walk face if you have bad skin. Don't walk butch realness if you can't pass for a boy. Tone your body up for body categories or teach yourself to be tantilizing for sex siren. Find out who your competition is. Study them. Pick a ball you'd like to deal your hand at, gather the tools for your effect and enter the runway! Walking will fill you with anxiety but it's also a great pleasure to entertain the audience as well as proving to yourself that you can do it.
Let me help you. Starting Sept 15th, I am sponsoring THE FIRST "BANG BANG" ONLINE BALL! That's right, I'm sending the winner $100 out of my own pocket for the most creative and unique... (no, I won't spill the tea! You must wait until Sept 15th for more details).
HOW DO I ENTER THE CATEGORY?(ok. ok. I'll at least give you the contest entry details)
Look out for my page posting on Sept 15th entitled "SHOT ME DOWN 'BANG BANG' BALL". There you will find the theme of the category.
You must take a picture of your effect with a note that says "ROXI BANG BANG" and email it to ROXIBANGBANG@GMAIL.COM. Contest closes on Sept 30th.
The top ten entries will be posted and YOU, THE PUBLIC must vote to select the winner. (How fair can that be?) Voting ends on October 15th and a winner will be declared! One Entry Per Person/Email! Multiple entries does not increase your chances of winning.
Pretty simple, huh? So subscribe by email below, spread the word and be ready to let your creative juices work for you on Sept 15th!
As a house categories show a level of determination, dedication and unity that isn't usually displayed for a regular category. It requires practice and a lot of trust to depend on each member to follow through with the category. Below are some runway as a house teams over the years. (Pls note: I was looking for House of Prada Runway as a House footage from the 2008 Changing Faces Ball but couldnt find any. If you have footage, please send it to me at or link me in the comments box)
After having a conversation with my good good BQ girlfriend about various "shady" (notice the quotes) instances in the WBT scene, it was proposed that the women should "get it together because the mainstream scene does it all the time". Emphatically, I have to agree BUT the mainstream scene does it a certain extent. In my opinion, shade is a vital part of the ballroom scene whether it be pointing out another's flaws in comparison to yourself in battle zone, dismissing your opponents props during runway or calling out a fake label when you see one during a fashion category. They speak their opinions about status to one's face instead of the backtalk that has flooded the WBT scene. Personally, I feel that a lot of people speak badly behind each other's back not because they are scared but because they know that it was spark an all-out unnecessary war over an opinion.
The difference between mainstream shade and WBT shade is the WBT tend to touch ENTIRELY TOO MUCH and the mainstream leaves the shade ON THE RUNWAY. They have the ability to see that it is for the function and not take things personally. (I truly believe that some of the WBT take titles, trophies and wins entirely too seriously.)
The one person I know who exposes TRUE shade is Icon Jack Mizrahi (@gorgeousjack) and after searching his youtube channel found the PERFECT example of exactly what I mean. Below is a video taped by Jack at Ashley Icon's 2009 Ball in NYC. Even if you have no idea who these people are or understand the story behind the disagreements, you have to notice one thing: they've said their peace in each other's face AND MOVED ON without incident.
After watching this video and seeing the maturity, even with angered, the mainstream scene has in terms of discrepencies, perhaps you will rethink your choice of getting upset about a comment or action at a function. Truly it isn't that serious.
Roll that beautiful bean footage... (I couldnt help myself. Hee hee)
At a Ball you see those who practiced hours of dance to improve for the win; those who have pumped their hallways back and forth for hours in runway and those who took theIr creative visions to the max for effects. You rarely put much thought into those who train hours upon hours to improve upon their physique for the body categories.
We love to oogle the WBT (women, butch & transmen) who strip down to next to nothing in order to put their bodies on display for us to judge. While the women "shake what their mama gave them", the male figures pose and flex for the audience's delight. What we don't take into consideration is that these cats have sub-categories because much like our fingerprints, all bodies are NOT created equal.
Womens Body breaks down into four sub-categories:
Model's Body - Slim and proportionate. This sub-category reflects a bikini models physique. Toned without much body fat.
Athletic Body - Muscular yet feminine. This sub-category reflects a body builder's physique. Flexibility, strength and little to no body fat.
T&A - Hourglass or Figure 8 shape. This sub-category reflects a strippers physique. Ample breasts, thighs and booty are the criteria. And Lastly...
Luscious - Plus-sized but neat. This sub-category reflects a thicker T&A physique where even though the body is thick, the measurements are still proportionate to each other in order to appear hourglass shaped.
Butch/Trans Body breaks down into three sub-categories:
CatBoy - Slim and lightly cut. This sub-category is for those who have just started working out and toning up. Their body is still soft but the cuts are starting to form.
Junior - Moderately Muscular. This sub-category is those who are midway bulked up and cuts are more easily distinct.
Senior - BEEFCAKE. This sub-category is for those who are completely buff. Massive muscles, deep cuts and ownership of the coveted "Iliad's crest".
Now while the women shake and gyrate to sell their bodies, the butch and transmen pose like Apollo to showcase theirs. The women display acrobatic skills while the male figures challenge each other in calisthenics.
This is not a category for just anyone. Much like body building competition, one must train to maintain their bodies to compete. Exercise, proper diet, proper hydration and skin upkeep is crucial for this category. Excessive scarring or stretch marks are deterrents to the judges as well. You must take pride in your body and treat it like a well-oiled machine.
A Ball is filled with anxiety and sometimes emotions will jolt you to do things that you ordinarily wouldn't based on your confidence of your talent. Much like past Balls, opponents were graceful in terms of addressing themselves, their opponents, the judges and the other houses. Much like sports, coaches strive to maintain a level of maturity during a game. Basketball players who are not participating must arrive to the court in a suit to display a level of class. They must encourage those playing and cheer for them. They are fined for ating out of character based on the game. All that encompasses good sportsmanship. Good Sportmanship is defined as "Conduct and attitude considered as befitting participants in competition, especially fair play, courtesy, striving spirit, and grace in losing." Good sportsmanship is a lacking necessity in the ballroom lately so here is my guide of maintaining a sense of balance when emotions and nerves are running high.
Keep your comments about someone else's effect or walk to yourself.
When your category is called, line up at the back of the runway and patiently wait for your turn to walk.
Thank the judges for giving you tens OR chopping you as you exit the runway.
DO NOT TOUCH your opponent in battle zone FOR ANY REASON!
If shade is called for in the category, remember that its nothing personal once you get off the runway.
Whether or not you win or lose the battle, hug or shake hands with your opponent.
DO NOT ARGUE with judges about their vote. It is their personal opinion and should it be shade, the host or presenter should rectify the situation.
If you were chopped, ask the judge who chopped you why it was given. Take heed to their reason and learn from it for next time.
Do not bad mouth an entire house based on the deeds of one person.
Do not take personal offense to the decision and plot on the person or house for the next ball.
Lastly, NO FIGHTING! If you are that upset that you would need to fight over a $6 trophy, the ballscene is NOT FOR YOU!
If you are spectating, even at your table these rules apply.
Watch this video of Danielle Ninja walking Women's Performance at Latex Ball 2006. Notice that she gives her opponent space to vogue freely. Notice that they hug after the battle is over and notice how Danielle graciously thanks the judges for her winning votes and how her opponent exits the stage without incident. If all Balls were like this, what a masterful display we would bring to the youth coming up after us.
There has been a very heated debate on why Women/Butch/Transmen are not "respected" in the mainstream scene. I noticed a huge difference during this year's Latex Ball and realized one important detail: Us WBT's have no FLAIR!!! Where's the show? After all, isn't that what a Ball is?
At first, it was okay that we lacked in doing grand entrances, huge effects and productions but after 5 years (yes we've been doing this for THAT long) I see very little growth from our humble beginnings. Most houses who allow their members to pump from the mainstream have showed more elaborate effects than what has been done before (e.g. Budah Balenciaga's "Beauty & the Beast" outfit for the Beauty & The Beast Ball and his "Trapped in the Closet" production for the 1st Unity Ball) but even with that, they are baby steps compared to those that are executed by our male/FQ counterparts in the mainstream.
Ball promoters have "dumbed" down category descriptions for fear that people may not reach high enough to capture the essence of the category theme and even when giving people a color, it's been seen that the basics are met. If they ask for all black, do an all black tux! Come as a giant spider or Lady Gaga inspired costume in all black. THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX!!! A black tee, jeans and sneakers is the bare minimum and no one can get excited from that!
As a community, we have a put a twist on the world of Fashion, Dance and Entertainment. LGBTQ have cornered the runways, musicals and the stage taking a mere thought to great heights and here we are WBT, still figuring out how to translate a category. We must show that we are creative TOO!
Below is a youtube video I found displaying how one girl took her creativity and innovation and created a dress worth talking about for her prom. I hope that by watching this teen think outside the box that it will inspire you to do the same. Don't be good, BE GREAT! It's crazy what a little imagination, creativity and an hot glue gun can do!
Some time ago, a friend of mine on Twitter tweeted that she left some items for a vacation while she was packing and like the advice columnist I am, I quickly responded with some tips on how she could pack with ease for next time. It dawned on me that with the various materials that we create and need for a ball that perhaps the "girls who pump" may need a packing guide to make sure that they don't forget their life at home while trying to get their LIFE abroad. So here are my tips for packing for a ball...
- While obtaining the components for your effects, if at all possible, ship them PRIOR to leaving. That way you aren't rushing, you aren't carrying extra weight AND you won't have glitter on your new shoes for the after party.
- Prepack a "travel" bags. Use freezer bags to pack like items that NEVER leave your suitcase. Because freezer bags have labels, you can categorize your bags so you never mix them up (e.g. Cosmetics, Toiletries, Hair Products & ER Ball Fixes).
Here's what's inside my ER Ball Fixes bag:
Hair Spray - its used for holding hair, glitter and confetti in place
Fabric Glue - used for fabric/jewels, dries clear
Safety Pins/Pin & Needle - for last minute fixes
Duct Tape - used for traction on shoes, holding boobs down & a cheap girdle!
Ribbon - holds hair back, contains balloons and can used as
Stapler/Staples - used to fix bad seams or to drape fabric as a dress
Scissors - need I say more?
Bobby Pins - Hair never stays; used with Hair Spray
I suggest keeping a list of all items it contains and placing that in the bag so you can check off when you need to add something thats been depleted. Also carrying this with you to the ball ensures that you will never be falling apart at seams at a function.
Explanation of categories are below Hosted by: Legendary Mother Jaimee Balenciaga, Overall Mother Reign Moulin & Mother Chanel Prada at Loews Hotel 1065 Peachtree Street Atlanta, Georgia, 30309 Doors open at 3pm - BE EARLY!
Women Runway - In all black (Roxi says: Must be head to toe!)
Sex Siren - In all Pink (Roxi says: Must be head to toe!
Body - In bright colors $$ (Roxi says: Think neon not pastels!)
Big Girls Face - With a prop (Roxi says: a prop is something you can showcase!)
Hat, shoe, & bag - Hat must be a color, shoe must be a heel, and the bag must be big enough to seal the deal! (Roxi says: this is self explanatory and since it's a fashion category, all three should coordinate!)
Butch School boy Realness - Back to school (Roxi says: You bring more than just a book bag to school!)
Face - With a tie (Roxi says: This is self-explanatory! )
Sex Siren - Fresh out the shower (Roxi says: Towel, body buff, baby oil!)
Performance - Old way or with a twist what ever you fancy (Roxi says: Old way, new way, vogue femme, hand & arm performance! The dougie is NOT performance!)
Transmen Sex Siren - Grown man status (Roxi says: Be you and a corner hoodlum is NOT a grown man!)
Face - In all black (Roxi says: Must be head to toe!)
Man of the night - Must be tastefully done! (Roxi says: Get GQ fellas!)
Team Realness (1 Butch & 1 Transman) - One Boss and worker (white or blue collar) with props $$ (Roxi says: white collar is office oriented, blue collar is service oriented!)
Butch vs Transmen vs BQ All American Runway - A weekend at the Hamptons (Roxi says: You better look like a Phat Farm ad!)
Butch up in pumps - With a colorful pair of pumps $$ (Roxi says: You must look natural in pumps! Dont break your ankle!)
Butch and his bitch - Bonnie and Clyde (Past, present, or future) $$ (Roxi says: You must mimic some classic couples for this one! The cincher is the overall effect.)
Switch - Dressy to messy (Part one bring me a sloppy him or her and then part 2 come back cleaned up her or him) (Roxi says: sweatpants femme to swanky AG or vice versa!)
Best dressed Couple - Must complement each other (Roxi says: You dont have to wear the same color but you must look in sync! If it isn't paparazzi ready, stay home!)
Open To All Hair affair (Roxi says: Cuts, colors and height are key! Think fantasy hair!)
OTA Hand Performance - With gloves $$ (Roxi says: The judges are watching how your hands and arms move ONLY!)
OTA Streetwear - Summer 2010 (Roxi says: Must be this year urban pieces! What was the look for the hood?)
OTA Face - Never walked vs never won - In all white (Roxi says: Must be head to toe! If you've ever won this category you will be chopped!)
OTA Runway w/understudy - The understudy has never walked (Roxi says: One ringer with one rookie! Have you taught the rookie well?)
OTA Foot & eyewear - Must look like a set (labels not a must) $$ (Roxi says: Labels not a must so GET CREATIVE! Think outside the box an show them something they've never seen!)
Lip sync - This category will only have 5 contestants. You must sign up at the door. First come, first serve. Must be less than 4 min. $$ (Roxi says: You lip sync in the mirror all the time but can you appear like you are the singer IN THE VIDEO?!)
Mini Grand $$ Team Women Face (Must be from different houses) With a production 2 min or less (Roxi says: You can't pick your house sister and a production is a skit!)
Grand Prize $$ (prize goes to House) Family Portrait Bring us a life size family portrait with a 2-5 min production of at least 2 categories your house is known for with a sickening final pose (You can use as many members as you like but must be at least 4)
I am constantly asked "What is Face?". I'm sure Legendary faces such as Legendary Jaimee Balenciaga and Legendary Aisha Iman-Prodigy would have more in depth answers into to what face is and what the category exists of. I, as a 007, on the other hand, learned by watching those who walk the category and I believe both mothers will agree that learning from our past is ALWAYS best and will move us farther into our future.
Passing by various youtube videos tonight, I came across this video displaying and highlighting ICONIC faces in the scene. For all those looking to walk Female Figure Face, you should be studying the grace and elegance of these ladies. Notice that they allowed their face to speak for them. No catty antics whatsoever! Just watch and you'll see what I mean.
Rest In Peace Danielle Revlon Jennifer Legend & the UNDENIABLE Octavia St. Laurent! You ladies TRULY paved the way!
Click below to be directed to the site for categories and more information!
Below are the Categories open to TRANSMEN - I have called out a list of names of those I know who walk both the Mainstream as well as the Women/Butch/Transmasculine scene. If I haven't mentioned your name, I invite you to come battle it out for the trophy and make your name KNOWN TO ALL! - xoxo Roxi
Each year GQ magazine picks one man that signifies masculinity, sex and style. This year you’re competing with other men to be 2011 Man of the Year. Tonight show us why you’re style, masculinity and sex appeal reigns above all others…give us that GQ look. Calling out Rome Prodigy, Kiron Prodigy, Ni'tee Balenciaga, Prez Balenciaga, Jevon Legacy, Kareem Prodigy, Zaire Prodigy, Lucky Legacy, Tariq Balenciaga - You stand as you are, who stands alone with the trophy? TRANSMAN SEX SIREN PRIZE: 1 Trophy & $50.00 sponsored by Marquise Balenciaga
Theme: The Trans Modeling Agency (The Go See) The Latex Ball is happy to introduce to you the Trans Modeling Agency that’s causing a buzz all over the world. Designers and marketers are looking for fresh and sexy T Male models to represent their brands. Prove that you are worthy to be a sexy spokes model for our agency in a daring look in all one solid color. Remember you are selling sex. Calling out Rome Prodigy, Kiron Prodigy, Ni'tee Balenciaga, Tariq Balenciaga - You make the girls (and the boys) stop and stare, seduce that trophy into your hands! MALE FIGURES (These cats are for those who identify as MALE in life or while walking [i.e. Butches])
Theme: XXL presents ‘The Realest Triple Threat’
The Swag, the Trendsetter, the Fashion, and the Realness; tonight bring forth your realest 3 male figures to represent a hip hop fashion spread right from the streets. There are three models but you have to choose which would be showcased. 1 Butch, 1 Transman, 1 Schoolboy, 1 Pretty Boy, or 1 Thug… Pick three figures from the 5 choices, you all should be wearing something fashionable and cohesive to represent the spread. There should be 1 person to represent a different type of realness. For example there can’t be 2 schoolboys and one thug in a group of three.
For more information: Derrick L. Briggs at 212-367-1572 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 212-367-1572 end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 212-367-1572 end_of_the_skype_highlighting or Luna Luis Ortiz at 212-367-1017 / OPEN TO ALL (These categories are for all gender labels to walk)
OTA OLDWAY VS NEWWAY PRIZE: 2 Trophies & $100.00 Sponsored by Louie G. Legacy in Honor of Willie Ninja
Theme: Print It Out
Prints and Textiles have always been a signature for many designers and a distinction for people’s individual expression through style. You have polka dots, stripes, paisleys, floral, checkered, geometrics, plaids, gingham, etc. You also have custom made prints like Missoni, Versace, and Pucci that help signify a designer’s aesthetic. Tonight pick a print that signifies your craft as a performer. Your ensemble must be creative.
OTA BIZARRE PRIZE: 1 Trophy & $250.00 Sponsored by Imperial Court of NY
Theme: A Tribute to a Creative Genius
On February 11, 2010 the world lost a true creative genius, artistic visionary and masterful fashion designer. Season after season Alexander McQueen has presented some of the most innovative shows and exquisite designs. His creative mind surpasses any other designer of this era and that why he is a true legend. Tonight let’s pay homage to a man’s creativity that will live forever. Pick any show that he has done and take the inspiration of that show and take it to a whole other UNIVERSE. You are not copying his designs but using his inspiration as a way to crown yourself a true creative genius. OTA BEST DRESSED PRIZE: 2 Trophies (Male Figure/Female Figure)
Theme: The Fashion Revolutionary
Tonight your sense of fashion is put to the test. We are sick of the norm and we are sick of the expected. Tonight bring us an ovah look from head to toe with the most sickening and creative eyewear that would change our perception of fashion and signify the future of fashion. This is not a label category it is an innovative category. Come done or don’t come at all. Gag Us!!!! OTA LABELS PRIZE: 2 Trophies & $150.00 Sponsored by Imperial Court of NY
Theme: The Trunk Show (The Artistry of Peeling)
It’s time to get back to basics and leave the bullshit to the amateurs. Labels, Labels, and more labels… Peel, peel, and more peel. It has to be Ovah, it has to be sickening, and it has to be FASHION!! Male figures in Men garments and Female figures in women garments only. OTA GRAND PRIZE Theme: Designer's Delight | The Fashion Show PRIZE: $2,000.00 Sponsored by
Every designer in history creates collections after collections based on a particular inspiration or matters around the world that affects them. They express their opinions, points of view, and emotions through their fashion designs. Now it’s your turn, to create a fashion show that expresses your thoughts, emotions and feelings on how the AIDS epidemic affects you. Tonight bring forth a 3 piece collection based on the effects the AIDS epidemic has on you as a designer.
The collection must be cohesive and all related to awareness. All of your designs should have a clear message of what your point of view is or messages. Remember this is a fashion show your final piece should be the most outstanding piece in your collection.
Click below to be directed to the site for categories and more information!
Below are the Categories open to BUTCHES - I have called out a list of names of those I know who walk both the Mainstream as well as the Women/Butch/Transmasculine scene. If I haven't mentioned your name, I invite you to come battle it out for the trophy and make your name KNOWN TO ALL! - xoxo Roxi
Theme: Fashion Rocks!!!
For years androgynous men have caught the eye of the fashion industry and Rock and Roll from David Bowie, Billy Idol, Adam Lambert, Prince, Michael Jackson, to Boy George to name a few. We have admired their sexual energy and striking looks, now it’s time for you to be added to that list. Bring that face in an androgynous rock & roll look.
Calling out Tyree Prada, Crave Prada, Prince Balenciaga, Jaydon 007 - What a handsome face you have, will your carta force a win? MALE FIGURES (These cats are for those who identify as MALE in life or while walking [i.e. Butches])
Theme: XXL presents ‘The Realest Triple Threat’
The Swag, the Trendsetter, the Fashion, and the Realness; tonight bring forth your realest 3 male figures to represent a hip hop fashion spread right from the streets. There are three models but you have to choose which would be showcased. 1 Butch, 1 Transman, 1 Schoolboy, 1 Pretty Boy, or 1 Thug… Pick three figures from the 5 choices, you all should be wearing something fashionable and cohesive to represent the spread. There should be 1 person to represent a different type of realness. For example there can’t be 2 schoolboys and one thug in a group of three.
For more information: Derrick L. Briggs at 212-3672 or Luna Luis Ortiz at 212-367-1017 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 212-367-1017 end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 212-367-1017 end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 212-367-1017 end_of_the_skype_highlighting / OPEN TO ALL (These categories are for all gender labels to walk)
OTA OLDWAY VS NEWWAY PRIZE: 2 Trophies & $100.00 Sponsored by Louie G. Legacy in Honor of Willie Ninja
Theme: Print It Out
Prints and Textiles have always been a signature for many designers and a distinction for people’s individual expression through style. You have polka dots, stripes, paisleys, floral, checkered, geometrics, plaids, gingham, etc. You also have custom made prints like Missoni, Versace, and Pucci that help signify a designer’s aesthetic. Tonight pick a print that signifies your craft as a performer. Your ensemble must be creative.
Calling out Spyder Ninja, Mimi Dior, Ohmar Prada, Monique Mizrahi - Four oldway beasts but does their performance stand the test? OTA BIZARRE PRIZE: 1 Trophy & $250.00 Sponsored by Imperial Court of NY
Theme: A Tribute to a Creative Genius
On February 11, 2010 the world lost a true creative genius, artistic visionary and masterful fashion designer. Season after season Alexander McQueen has presented some of the most innovative shows and exquisite designs. His creative mind surpasses any other designer of this era and that why he is a true legend. Tonight let’s pay homage to a man’s creativity that will live forever. Pick any show that he has done and take the inspiration of that show and take it to a whole other UNIVERSE. You are not copying his designs but using his inspiration as a way to crown yourself a true creative genius. OTA BEST DRESSED PRIZE: 2 Trophies (Male Figure/Female Figure)
Theme: The Fashion Revolutionary
Tonight your sense of fashion is put to the test. We are sick of the norm and we are sick of the expected. Tonight bring us an ovah look from head to toe with the most sickening and creative eyewear that would change our perception of fashion and signify the future of fashion. This is not a label category it is an innovative category. Come done or don’t come at all. Gag Us!!!! OTA LABELS PRIZE: 2 Trophies & $150.00 Sponsored by Imperial Court of NY
Theme: The Trunk Show (The Artistry of Peeling)
It’s time to get back to basics and leave the bullshit to the amateurs. Labels, Labels, and more labels… Peel, peel, and more peel. It has to be Ovah, it has to be sickening, and it has to be FASHION!! Male figures in Men garments and Female figures in women garments only. OTA GRAND PRIZE Theme: Designer's Delight | The Fashion Show PRIZE: $2,000.00 Sponsored by
Every designer in history creates collections after collections based on a particular inspiration or matters around the world that affects them. They express their opinions, points of view, and emotions through their fashion designs. Now it’s your turn, to create a fashion show that expresses your thoughts, emotions and feelings on how the AIDS epidemic affects you. Tonight bring forth a 3 piece collection based on the effects the AIDS epidemic has on you as a designer.
The collection must be cohesive and all related to awareness. All of your designs should have a clear message of what your point of view is or messages. Remember this is a fashion show your final piece should be the most outstanding piece in your collection.
Click below to be directed to the site for categories and more information!
Below are the Categories open to WOMEN - I have called out a list of names of those I know who walk both the Mainstream as well as the Women/Butch/Transmasculine scene. If I haven't mentioned your name, I invite you to come battle it out for the trophy and make your name KNOWN TO ALL! - xoxo Roxi
WOMEN FACE PRIZE: Trophy & $100.00 & cosmetics sponsored by Blue Michael Cosmetics
Theme: Sadistic Beauty
Gianni Versace and Alexander McQueen have made fetish, S&M, and sadistic fantasy part of couture society. Although it has been controversial it also signified a new era of expression by making something that is known as twisted perversion, beautiful. Tonight sell your face and bring back Versace’s and McQueen’s sadistic minds from the dead. Please do your research.
Calling out Korea Balenciaga, Tiffany Balenciaga, Deb Balenciaga, Babydoll Iman-Prodigy, TK Iman-Allure, Aneesa Blahnik, Poison Mizrahi, Hazel Moulin, Chula Moulin, Face Prodigy, Athena Prada, Joslyn Prada, HP Prada, Kay Evisu, Felicia Evisu, Jessica Rabbit 007... Make this is an ULTIMATE BATTLE! WOMENS BODY PRIZE: Trophy
Theme: Sports Illustrated ‘The Couture Issue’
In this day and age we have seen it all. Sports Illustrated has shot almost everyone in almost every kind of swimwear, but for summer 2010 they decided to go BIG by naming it the Couture Issue. We want to see that sickening body in the most sickening bathing suit. Bold prints, Edgy cuts and don’t forget that sickening Body.
Calling out Syn Moulin, Lady Iman-Blahnik, Joy Prodigy, Maddy "The Body" Legacy, Mother Empress Cassidy, Butterfly Prodigy, Godiva Iman, Beautiful Blahnik - Luscious vs. T&A - Who will pop it to victory?
FEMALE FIGURES (These cats are for those who identify as FEMALE in life or while walking [i.e. Drag Queens])
FEMALE FIGURE RUNWAY PRIZE: 3 Trophies (Women vs. Drags vs. Femme Queens)
Theme: A Model’s Nightmare
Designers put models through some of the most excruciating conditions just to get their visions across to the world. We have seen it done to Naomi Campbell at the Vivienne Westwood Fashion Show. Now prove to us you are a true supermodel by defying the odds. Bring us a wicked effect in a couture gown with a train and pumps no less that 5” inches.
Calling out Heaven Prodigy, Chanel Prada, Driven Prada, Leidy Prada, Monet Moulin, DD Moulin, Myiah Moulin, Candy Balenciaga, Chanou Iman-Prodigy, Keva 007, Raven 007, Diva Davonna Mizrahi, Kiana Jourdan Ebony, Gisele Xtravanganza - They all storm the runway but who pumps away with that trophy?
FEMALE FIGURE PERFORMANCE PRIZE: 3 Trophies (Women vs. Drags vs. Fem Queens) & $200.00 Sponsored by
Theme: The Fashion Takeover Pop Stars There is a true fashion revolution that is happening in this era. We have pop stars being more and more fashionable; it’s amazing how far they can elevate fashion. From Rihanna to Lady Gaga and Gwen Stefani to Beyonce, Pick any Pop Star you like that is a true fashionista and bring her to life. Calling the return of Danielle Ninja!!! Who else will come and play? FEMALE FIGURE HEAD TO TOE BIG GIRL OVAHNESS PRIZE: 1 Trophy
Theme: The Size Issue
Finally the Plus size market is being recognized and accepted and now it’s your time to make a mark in this new fashion revolution. They just featured you in all the most elite magazines for your innovative sense of style and striking beauty, but now it’s time for you to be on the cover. Bring us a look that is worthy of being on a High Fashion Magazine Cover and being labeled a future fashion Icon. Calling out Jane Iman-Prodigy, Chula Moulin, Face Prodigy, Felicia Evisu, Kelis Legacy, Jennifer Evisu, Kelly Mizrahi, Cee-Jaye 007, Jessica Rabbit 007... They show how Big is always in but who walks OUT snatching the trophy? OPEN TO ALL (These categories are for all gender labels to walk)
OTA OLDWAY VS NEWWAY PRIZE: 2 Trophies & $100.00 Sponsored by Louie G. Legacy in Honor of Willie Ninja
Theme: Print It Out
Prints and Textiles have always been a signature for many designers and a distinction for people’s individual expression through style. You have polka dots, stripes, paisleys, floral, checkered, geometrics, plaids, gingham, etc. You also have custom made prints like Missoni, Versace, and Pucci that help signify a designer’s aesthetic. Tonight pick a print that signifies your craft as a performer. Your ensemble must be creative.
OTA BIZARRE PRIZE: 1 Trophy & $250.00 Sponsored by Imperial Court of NY
Theme: A Tribute to a Creative Genius
On February 11, 2010 the world lost a true creative genius, artistic visionary and masterful fashion designer. Season after season Alexander McQueen has presented some of the most innovative shows and exquisite designs. His creative mind surpasses any other designer of this era and that why he is a true legend. Tonight let’s pay homage to a man’s creativity that will live forever. Pick any show that he has done and take the inspiration of that show and take it to a whole other UNIVERSE. You are not copying his designs but using his inspiration as a way to crown yourself a true creative genius. OTA BEST DRESSED PRIZE: 2 Trophies (Male Figure/Female Figure)
Theme: The Fashion Revolutionary
Tonight your sense of fashion is put to the test. We are sick of the norm and we are sick of the expected. Tonight bring us an ovah look from head to toe with the most sickening and creative eyewear that would change our perception of fashion and signify the future of fashion. This is not a label category it is an innovative category. Come done or don’t come at all. Gag Us!!!! OTA LABELS PRIZE: 2 Trophies & $150.00 Sponsored by Imperial Court of NY
Theme: The Trunk Show (The Artistry of Peeling)
It’s time to get back to basics and leave the bullshit to the amateurs. Labels, Labels, and more labels… Peel, peel, and more peel. It has to be Ovah, it has to be sickening, and it has to be FASHION!! Male figures in Men garments and Female figures in women garments only. OTA GRAND PRIZE Theme: Designer's Delight | The Fashion Show PRIZE: $2,000.00 Sponsored by
Every designer in history creates collections after collections based on a particular inspiration or matters around the world that affects them. They express their opinions, points of view, and emotions through their fashion designs. Now it’s your turn, to create a fashion show that expresses your thoughts, emotions and feelings on how the AIDS epidemic affects you. Tonight bring forth a 3 piece collection based on the effects the AIDS epidemic has on you as a designer.
The collection must be cohesive and all related to awareness. All of your designs should have a clear message of what your point of view is or messages. Remember this is a fashion show your final piece should be the most outstanding piece in your collection.
Click below to be directed to the site for categories and more information!
My sister radio show host/on-air personality Jenelle Simone recorded this special invite. If you aren't affiliated with her, she's done Floss, King, Essence and Hype Hair magazine editorials. She's the host of "The Listening Party" on 90.3FM each and every tuesday from 8-10pm and she's the new face of... (can I leak this? Let me ask her legal advisor first) Of course she's straight and that's what makes The Latex Ball so hot! Every race, creed, color and sexuality can come and enjoy the fun, creativity and theatrics of the ball!
Click below to be directed to the site for categories and more information!
Realness literally depends on whether or not people can assume either your true sexuality or your true/inner gender. For Butch queens, they're looking for the most passable male. The one who society would think was straight based on personal appearance. For Transexuals, judges are looking for the one with the smoothest transition. The one who looks like they were biologically born in their current gender. For Butches, judges are looking for the woman who could pass for a male naturally while living their life as a female.
After watching some recent ball footage, I noticed a pattern. Why is the violent black man considered the image of male figure realness?
In male figure realness, there are four distinct sub-categories, Executive (business suit conducting boardroom meetings), Schoolboy (appears to be in HS/college wearing trendy streetwear), Prettyboy (Metrosexual clean cut and masculine) and Thug (hoodies, jeans and construction Timbs). I noticed that 5 times out of ten, Thugs win over any other sub-category. When I asked someone why that is, he replied "wouldn't you pick the one that looks like he did time?" My reply: "Why is the violent drug dealing hoodlum considered to the "real" image of a black man? Why is a black male in a conservative image the caricuture?"
Have we, as a people, become so jaded by society that REAL is the epitome of a ghetto mentality? That one must scare and intimidate in order to be considered real. Now don't get me wrong, everyone likes a "daddy"; someone who dominates and takes charge but how has that image been distorted that you are ONLY real if you're brave enough to run the streets. Are men who dress stylishly, work a 9-5 and take care home a fading ideal? And if being hood, feared and intimidating will win you the category, is it the reason the ball scene butches are tempted to take T?
T is short for testoserone, a natural hormone that when injected into the body tricks the brain to produce male physical characteristics. It first causes a deepening of the voice, balances the softness in the face, creates body and facial hair and helps to sculpt a male physique if muscles are the desired results. Injecting this hormone not only fools the judges. This is the hormone used to assist Transmen with their physical transition from their born existence to their true inner gender.
This nurtured need to win trophies has fueled the AG/Butch community to not only inject themselves with strange hormones (most are not prescribed to the actual users but shared throughout several others) but fuels them to take on masculine names and ask the community to feed into their psyche by calling them by male pronouns as well. I'm sure that the use of a fake name or faked gender transformation doesn't assist anyone at being "real".
With the new uprising of hormone injected butches hitting the scene in alarming rates, one must consider what this does to the transmen community fighting for equality under the queer umbrella. Recently at the Milan Ball 2010, Icon Sean Ebony, an advocate for transgendered rights, publicly protested the butch realness category because three well known transmen walked it. A judge disputed that butches have been taking physique altering drugs for quite some time. It doesn't seem quite fair to be in a life transition and be seen as "every other butch" based on the greedy whims of a small few who want a trophy. Think of what this would do for the Femme Queen community if every drag category was rushed by dozens of boys using homones to win the category. Most BQID love the fact that they without chemicals can be a girl if only for a day. When will butches love themselves in the same fashion?
What does this do for lesbian women who when choosing a mate will have to accept a more masculine appearance then a lesbian should have to? They are forced to find attraction in a woman who takes drugs to look like a man only for a moment. In my opinion, this now opens the door for more femme/femme relationships since the femmes will be the only true women available. All this for a trophy or local recognition...?
A butch by definition is a woman who carries a more dominant way of thinking and mannerisms and for realness they must be easily can be mistaken as a man. Why is being your natural you not real enough? Your thoughts...?
First I'd like to formally introduce myself to you all. My name is Roxi (Moulin) 007. As a child in the ballroom scene, the proper way to identify yourself is by hyphenating the houses you stormed in to your name. I wasn't always a Moulin though...
I first was introduced to the ballroom scene by now Legend Dashaun Evisu, (most of you know him from Vogue Evolution). He was one of my first kiki girlfriends prior to either of us walking balls. We would sit on the pier and play beats and go off and dream about what house we wanted to join.
I started actually walking about ten years ago when B-52's (now Club Remix) would throw random mini balls on Wednesdays. My first category was Face. I was chopped or sat down for face numerous times before I ever heard my first critique. "Darling, not every pretty girl can walk face. A smile tells on you". To this day, I'll never forget that the comment wasn't meant to be harsh but to teach me something. Not every chop is shade and not category is mine.
I then moved on to sex siren. As a previous dancer, I had had some experience being seductive in front of people and won a mini ball in '01. I wanted to learn more about the scene, so I took a hiatus from the scene attending every ball I heard of to get pointers, network and find out more about the other categories that were given.
I decided to become an avid walker in 2006. I changed my category once again to runway. At that time, I was a plus size model walking in every urban fashion show I could get booked for. My time to shine was being asked by Legendary Jevon Legacy (former Khan) to audition for the NY chapter of the House of Khan. I walked and waited patiently to get recruited and with one sashay and flip of the hair later, I was! After years of patience and confidence building, I was in a house. My debut ball was the Candyland Ball thrown by the House of Mizrahi in Newark. My parents, Legendary Luna & Steve Legacy were both impressed with my ability to design and create my own effects for the ball. I didn't win but it propelled me into wanting to walk the biggest ball of the year - The Latex Ball! I easily received my tens and had my first major ball battle battling Isis King (ANTM contestant). She won but I feel that I gave it my all.
During this time, I received word that there was a womens scene brewing fun for the girls down in VA. I threw my name into the hat by walking women's runway at the daVinci ball 2007 at the Lab in Brooklyn. At the time, I was also awaiting confirmation on my application for the House of Moulin. Overall Mother Reign Moulin asked me to walk this ball so she could see what I could do. As a ringer with an entrance, I felt confident that my strut, stunts and pizzazz would win me a spot in the house. After walking and ending up in the final battle, three weeks later, I was MOULIN!
It took me 6 months of helping out every way I could to be promoted to Mother of the Northern chapter. I was over evey Moulin from NY to Boston. I took pride in my title and my "girls" and helped them succeed every way possible. After 6 more months, countless parties hosted and balls walked, I was promoted again to Queen of the Royal Court. My job: bring honor and notoriety to the house at all times and I feel like I succeeded. By August 2008, I had a new title, a revamped chapter and a mission: REINVENTION. I shocked the ballscene (and myself) when I walked sex siren again... watch the video below and get acquainted.
I continued at my post walking sex siren and runway until I discovered that perhaps I needed to set a new example. As a beacon to the dozens of girls who were inspired by me, reinvention was once again needed... so I walked for the first time best dressed for the first time. The response was great so I continued until where I am now...
I have since left the House of Moulin but not without instilling in them all the love I have in my heart and making sure that they would be just fine without me... Ask them - their trophies STILL pile up. (M's Down!)
So there I am, in a nutshell. The next question is: what does my future hold?